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As we both walk in the park,as raphael holding my hand tightly against his,I blush a little as he glance at me and smile..

‘‘Where do you want to go?’’

He asked as he help me sat at a bench like a helpless 80’s lady,I smile softly as I leaned my head on his collarbone..

‘‘I-I-I don’t know...’’

I mumble as he let out a humm before putting his arms around me..

‘‘Oh? Is that so? Fine then’’

He utter as we both stare at the sunset,It’s been a hour since we walk around the city,looking at the flower shop,At the library and everything...

I smile a little as I shook my head..

‘‘I-I’m really fine,I-I think we should go home..’’

I mumble as he nodded his head before carrying two paperbags as I insisted carrying the other two..

As we walk infront of my house,I stare at him and smile..

‘‘T-thank y-you f-for joining me...W-would you like to eat dinner with me..?’’

I stuttered as he smile softly nodding his head,I open the gate for him as he come inside,he spoke.

“You always don’t lock your gates..huh..’’

He spoke as I realize that I always doesn’t lock the gate everytime,I nodded my head


Raphael hummed as I open the door of mine before letting him in,As both of us come inside. Felis my dog came rushing to me..

‘‘bork! Bork!’’

He barked as he wagged his tail,I nodded my head before petting him..

‘‘Hello felis,How are you? This is raphael. Be kind,okay?’’

I told the dog as he only took out his favorite toy before giving it to raphael..

‘‘Hello felis,How are you?’’

Raphael asked the dog as it only barked,Raphael smile softly before putting it the toy on the floor..

I smile at felis who’s being nice to a guest for the first time,It was quite happy..

As raphael play with my dog,his phone ring as he took it out..

‘‘Sorry honey,I have meetings to attend. It’s important. As much as I want to stay here,I need to go. Love you.’’

He spoke before kissing my cheeks and left me alone with felis who’s wagging his tail..

#14: Felis.

A/N: Sorry for the late update. I know it’s suck but I wish you enjoy.

Anyway,It’s so hot here in my place that it’s look like santan give us free trial in hell. It’s 51° here.

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