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—5 months later—

Months passed so my broken hearts— I know that it's cheesy but I feel a little bit guilty because of being so pathetic,Running away without any explanation. Who does that?

‘‘Dennis! Look! Watch the tv!’’

Jamie yelled as I ran toward the kitchen to see the front tv over the board,There stand— Raphael...He haved already changed for the past months,Yet he's still there..Dangerous looking and such,

‘‘Is that Boss Raphael Santíre? He looked more matured than before..’’

Jamie breaks the silence as I nodded my head— He's more handsome than before but that doesn't change the fact that he cheated on me..

Or did he..?

I haven't even heared his own opinion— negative or positive,I should have known.

But I think—It's already late now,Why would I bother,Wouldn't I?

I sighed in sadness— I shouldn't feel any remorse,I should forget about him,

‘‘Hey guys.’’

Kairo greeted as he got inside Jamie's home— I nodded my head as Jamie greeted a sweet hello.

‘‘Who's that?’’

He asked as he sat in the stool— I looked away as Jamie only look at him with a smile;

‘‘You silly,That's the infamous billionare— Raphael Santíre,The owner of Santíre.Corp,By the way,Are you hungry?’’

Jamie asked as he grab a slice of sandwich and cheese—Kairo only nodded as his eyes were set on me;

‘‘Mr.Santíre,What's your status?!’’

The reporter asked as I silently sat there— Watching the Tv,His eyes were set on his phone as when the question were asked. He look at the screen with a smirk;

‘‘I'm still in relationship.’’

He answered as my heart breaks,So...It's comfirmed? B-But,

I'm such a fool. Why would I chase someone like him?

‘‘Is she's there?! Or Is she even famous?!’’

The reporter asked as Raphael rolled his eyes,He answered afterwards and this isn't I expected;

‘‘He's not here— But I'm going to meet him,Once again.’’

Raphael answered and guards started to surround him as everyone tried to talk to him again..

What the..

Who's who?

I shouldn't expect anything..

#28: Expection

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