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My eyes went wide..H-How?

His eyes bore into mine as he started to walk into my place. Every step he takes is like a life threatening decision that only I, have the choice whether what would happen or not.

As he stops infront of me. His lips turn into a smile as he looked at me with adoration..


He took a deep breathe as his hands reach my face. Tracing my face with his fingers as he smile sickly..

"You've been waiting for me, Aren't you...? I know that you always wanted me, You can't stay away from me for so long..."

Raphael look at me adoringly as the press con started to rush toward to us but they were quickly stopped by the body guards as Raphael remove his hand on my face as he reach out to me..

"You're still mine. Right?.."

He smile as I reach out to hold his hands, As he pull me to stand up and quickly pull me to his chest as he hug me tight.

"I love you...I love you.."

He whispered as my Dog rush to us while wagging it's tail..A few minutes later, my tears started to fall down from my face as I sobbed silently..

He continue to hug me tight. As then, He started to raise me up and carry me like a bride as he ran toward his car- I look back to see Felis being taken by the guards as they go somewhere;

"I'm gonna lock you up. That you won't able to leave me alone. Forever."

Raphael groan as He put me down inside the passenger seat as He moved toward the driver seat and sat down as he open the engine of his car;

After that, He drive away from the airport while I sat silently in the car- Silence consume us for a while until Raphael spoke up:

"What are you doing there? Why are you waiting for me?"

He asked as I looked at him sadly- murmuring some words that I wished he wouldn't hear.

"I love you."

I muttered. He looked at me with such desperate eyes as he asked;

"Are you sure? You might be kidding. I know that you don't want me in your life, You're crazy."

Raphael laughed as tears flowed again out of my eyes- How dare he say that.

"And you're insane."

I spat out. He stopped laughing at he looked into my eyes.

"I am. I really am. Don't you see that? What's the purpose of loving a insane man?"

He bitterly asked, His face turn into frown as he continue to drive;

"Then what's the purpose of coming back when you don't want to come back here anymore?"

I glare at him as he suddenly stop the car. Jerking me right out of my seat as he turn to looked at me with the same eyes that used to look at me;

"H-How..did you know.."

He muttered as he looked at my eyes, trying to find out where I know it.

"Henry told me. Why Raphael? Why would you leave forever? It is because you can't keep such a promise? I waited for you! Yes. I agree that we have a break for us to have time for ourselves but what did you do? You decided to become a coward and leave the country, forever!"

I yelled while tears continue to stream down my face, Why? Why would he do that?

"And you know what? I ran from the day that you go to the goddamn airplane, finding out that you already left a hour ago. And I waited. I wait for days hoping that one day you come back. And yes you do. You come back acting so sweet infront of the public but now you're telling me that you're confuse? Why Raphael? Why?!"

I sobbed as I covered my face with my hands- He didn't respond. I continue to cried like a baby as my heart clenched from the pain that I feel.

"I love you, No matter what you are. I don't care about the flaws that you have, I don't care if you think that you're unworthy of me but I-I know you try to be better."

I continued as Only my tears can be heared inside the car. Why would he think that I'm kidding. Fine then. I'm done.

I removed my hand out of my face I looked down. I turn around to open the car so I can go home now and continue to be miserable, My eyes widened as a hand reach out to locked the door as He pulled me by the waist;

"Who told you to leave, huh? Did I told you to leave? You're not leaving me anymore."

He spoked as he started to kiss my nape as my cheeks turn warm-What the..

I gasped as he grab my chin as he face me to his as his lips met mine.

"You're now mine now. We're going to get married then."

He looked at me with such seriousness in his eyes, using the sleeve of his coat- he rubbed in my face as he remove my tears;

"Uuuu- W-W-What do you mean..?"

I asked as he started to drive again while his arms are around my waist- I looked at the window as we stopped in the municipality, my eyes widened.


I gasped as he pulled out his phone, dialing someone.

"Hey, Come here. Yeah. You and Chesire- I'm getting married."

He spoked through the phone which I think it was Ruther. He unbuckled our seatbelt's as He moved out of the car and then opening mine as he carried me like a bride once again.

"P-Put me down!"

I cried as he walked toward inside as everyone looked at us- He continue to walk until we got to the mayor's office;

"Yes, What can I do for you, Folks?"

The Old mayor asked as he looked at us while smiling;

"Get us married. Now."

Raphael announced as he looked straight to the mayor's eyes.

#39: Getting Married.

There will be a- Further changes on my stories because this a new phone and there's some features that I can't use like what I did in my old phone.

Thank you for being patient with me. I'm honored to all of you being part of my story and everything.

This would be one of the last chapter. I would miss all of you. So much.

Let's meet each other soon.

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