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Once we're back to our office, I sat in my desk chair and open the computer in front to read emails that were sent today.

"What's my schedule for today?"

My Boss; Sir Raphael, ask as he sat on the swivel chair, busy typing on his laptop about something. I grab the small notebook where I keep all of his schedule for everyday and recited the content:

"You have a meeting with Mr.Vendetta and Mr.Velasquez, 2:00 p.m exact. And in 4:00 p.m you have a private meeting with one of your investor, Mr.Xenon and you are free for the rest of the day."

I announced as he look at me with a raised brow.

"So, What time is it?"

He ask once again—As he look back at his laptop and continue to type something.

"1:40 p.m, Sir."

I answered politely, looking back to my computer and start to pin down some mails that he needed to check later until I feel some presence behind my back as someone blow an air in my ear.

"Want to do something, Fun?"

A cold husky voice entered my ear as I feel a slight shiver from that tone.

"N—No thank you sir, I'm already having fun here with myself."

I mumble as he lean away from me and smile mischievously.

"Oh? So you masturbate?"

He inquired as my cheeks and ears probably turn red by that question—I mean, Why?

"N—No sir, What—What did you mean?"

I instantly shrieked once he touch my front. He smile at me like it was nothing serious.

"Here—You play with it, Does it feel good?"

He ask, rubbing my front as I wriggle in sheepish way, It feel..good.

"Ah—Ah! No! Stop!"

I denied as he continue to rubbed it until he kiss my cheeks—moving away from me.

"I'll be back soon. You are free to go after 6:00 p.m, Okay?"

He said as he left—I look at the clock and it was already 2:05 p.m—He was already five minute late! Argh! I'm embarrassed!

I rubbed my face before leaning down the table to take a quick nap. I'm already done with my work so it wasn't a big deal to rest.


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