awake | 1

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"So, it's because of stress?" The leader, Namjoon asked, throwing a worried glance at the closed door.

"Yes. He will recover from it maybe in... couple of months... Or never." The doctor said.

"What? So there's a possibility that he will not recover from this?!" Yoongi raised his voice, startling some people that were walking past them.

"I'm sorry." The doctor bowed slightly and left, leaving the six boys stand in the corridor alone.

They looked at the door nervously, slowly walking towards it. As they entered the room, they saw their 7th member, Seokjin, sitting on the hospital bed with closed eyes. He heard someone walk in and opened them, immediately turning his head to look at the visitors. As soon as he saw his members, his eyes lit up making them almost shed a tear.

"Jin hyung!" Jimin jumped at Seokjin with watery eyes. Seokjin smiled, looking at his lovely younger brother.

But he wasn't happy. There was a hidden sadness in his eyes that no one saw. Luckily he was a great actor and could act happy for his members.

"We're really sorry. Please don't hate us." Namjoon apologized, looking down at his feet.
Seokjin just smiled, as if trying to say "It's okay."

Suddenly they all heard quiet sobbing, and looked back where Jungkook was standing.

"J-Jungkook?" Taehyung whispered. The maknae looked up with tears in his eyes, his lips quivering.

Seokjin couldn't just watch his precious maknae cry. He remembered all the times when the younger boy had come to his room to cry his heart out. Whether it was some hate comments or he just felt sad because he messed up at practice, Seokjin always made sure to make the maknae feel better.

He stood up from the bed slowly, his legs still weak and not working properly. But that didn't stop him as he started to walk towards Jungkook, making everyone stare at him in shock.

"Jin hyung, stop walking!" Hoseok exclaimed, trying to grab Seokjin's wrist so he would stop tiring before it was too late.

Seokjin gently pushed Hoseok's hand away, reaching for Jungkook instead. He tightly hugged the younger, rubbing circles on his back soothingly. The maknae seemed to calm down a little, but he was still sobbing quietly into his hyung's chest.

The other members watched them, trying their best not to cry.

It was their fault, after all.

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