boy in luv | 22

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"K-pop fans all around the world are worrying about BTS Jin's sickness. Fans are saying that he lost his voice and can't talk. BTS' company, Big Hit entertainment, hasn't said anything about the issue." The news lady said on the television. Jimin turned the tv off and turned towards the manager.

"See? What are we gonna do?" Jimin sighed as he was thinking about all the questions they will have to answer if they reveal that Seokjin couldn't talk.

The manager sighed deeply and asked Jimin to leave so he could think about it. Jimin quickly left the room, and sat down on the couch near the door. He was a little bit scared of what ideas the manager could come up with.

"Jiminie!" Hoseok yelled, running to the younger. Jimin looked at him,  showing a little smile.

"What did the manager say?" Hoseok asked excitedly and plopped down on the couch.

"He's thinking." Jimin shortly answered, dropping his head into his hands.

"Oh. Are you okay?" Hoseok noticed Jimin's odd behavior, which was pretty weird, since Jimin didn't really like to show his sadness to his members.

"Yeah. I'm just worried about Jin hyung." Jimin's quiet voice was muffled as his face was still hiding in his hands.

"Oh" Hoseok said, looking down at his feet, thinking about something, "Also Jiminie... I wanted to ask you something."

"Yes?" Jimin lifted his head up and looked at Hoseok's serious face.

"Do you– Do you have feelings for Jin?" Hoseok stared right into Jimin's big eyes, waiting for the answer.

"I... Yes." Jimin quietly answered, looking back into Hoseok's eyes.

"You know, I have feelings for him too." Jimin's eyes widened. He is not the only one in love with his hyung?

"And I think, everyone else is in love with him too." Hoseok added.

"Oh." Jimin was really confused. He thought he won't get any rivals and he will get Jin's a-

"I know what we'll do." The manager suddenly opened the door.

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