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"Ah, how do you- AAH! Hyung! It keeps falling! How do I-"

"Move Jimin, let a real man do it."

"Shut up Jungkook. I'm older than you!"

"Guys? Can you just put the phone against the little box over there?"

Jimin harshly grabbed the phone from Jungkook's hand, placing it against the box like his hyung said. He grinned and proudly looked at Seokjin, who showed him thumbs up. Jungkook sighed and sat down on the couch near Taehyung, bitter that he didn't get his hyung's attention. Taehyung ignored the maknae's pouty face, looking straight at the phone in front of them, smiling widely.

"ARMY! Long time no see, right?" He yelled, waving his hands to the phone. Jimin quickly made his way to the other side of the couch, sitting down near Seokjin. The older was also waving his hands to the phone, mimicking Taehyung's movements. Jimin fondly stared at his hyung before fishing his phone out of the back pocket of his jeans, looking at the comments army sent in the vlive.

"Hyung, they are asking you to talk. They haven't heard your voice for some time." Jimin said, almost whispering the last sentence. He and other Seokjin's boyfriends tried to avoid remembering the accident that happened to Seokjin, but there was always something reminding them. Seokjin's smile disappeared for a second, before he laughed a little.

"Army~ You know I love you, right? Please continue to love me even if I get sick." Seokjin spoke, smiling from ear to ear, even though what he was saying wasn't so happy.

"Hyung! Please don't say sad stuff like that..." Jungkook whined, trying to hug Seokjin, but squeezing Taehyung who was sitting between them in his arms. Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows and snatched Jungkook's arms away from him, throwing a glare at the maknae. Jungkook glared back at him, not scared to fight if it was for his hyung.

"Hey hey hey! Calm down you two!" Seokjin exclaimed, patting Taehyung's and Jungkook's head to calm them down. They stopped glaring at each other, leaning into their hyung's touch and smiling softly.

"Uh, so. How are you doing, army?" Jimin ran to the phone, blocking the view behind him with his face, trying to get the fan's attention to him and not to the Taejinkook couple. Perhaps making a vlive with Seokjin was a bad idea, because if Jungkook and Taehyung continued to act like that, armys could catch on what was happening in BTS and Seokjin.

He looked at his phone, reading the flooding comments.

streamepiphany jin harem fans we ride at dawn
godofwine STOP BEING SO CUTE!!!
whoareyoueven jikook is real i know it this is just an act
jkoppar i'm dead
arthur lemme write a fic HOLD ON
ilykoo just date already
Jinsbutt KISS
Normalhuman come to Mars :( we're waiting

Jimin stared at the comments, reading them in silence. He was thinking about what to say when he heard knocking on the hotel room door. He questionably looked at the guys behind him, trying to tell them to check who was visiting them this late. Jungkook got up and waddled to the door, disappearing from the shot and leaving army to wonder who was coming next.

Taehyung and Seokjin stared quietly in the direction Jungkook left, waiting. Jimin was reading the comments again, relieved that army stopped talking about Taejinkook.

"Guys~! Why didn't you tell us you're gonna do a vlive?" Hoseok whined loudly as he walked into the room, winking at the phone before running and jumping on the couch Seokjin was sitting on. He threw his arm around the older's shoulders, grinning to himself when he noticed how Seokjin's ears already started turning red.

"Hyung. I was waiting for- Oh." Yoongi started talking, walking behind Namjoon and Jungkook when he suddenly remembered they were doing a vlive. He silently made his way to the couch, before realizing there were no space for him. He sat down on the floor next to Seokjin's legs, Namjoon doing the same. Jungkook clearly didn't want to sit on the floor as he tried to squeeze himself between his beloved hyung and Hoseok. But unfortunately for him Hoseok didn't budge, forcing the maknae to sigh deeply and sit down on the floor.

"Guys, why did you come here right now? Couldn't you wait for a little?" Jimin whined, standing up.

"Why not? Why would we need to wait to spend some time with our bo- best friend?" Namjoon said, quickly putting his hand on his mouth after he almost told the whole world that they were dating Kim Seokjin. Yoongi slapped Namjoon's thigh, and Namjoon just nodded to himself, keeping in mind that he shouldn't talk anymore during this vlive.

"Our lovely army~ Are you going to our concert?" Hoseok asked, changing the subject to something more appropriate. "Seokjin hyung will have an amazing performance. Look forward to it."

Seokjin slapped Hoseok's arm in embarrassment, shaking his head rapidly.

"Yeah! At the rehearsal, his singing made me cry. Be prepared to shed some tears." Taehyung added, nodding slowly as he talked.

Seokjin sharply turned his head towards Taehyung, looking at him disapprovingly.

"Hyung. Stop denying it. You're amazing." Yoongi looked up from the floor at Seokjin, smiling softly. The others muttered a small 'yeah' and stared at the oldest, who's face was slowly turning red from all the attention on him.

"I wanna cuddle." Jungkook blurted out suddenly, ruining the moment.

"Ah, we can cuddle but... Turn the vlive off..." Seokjin whispered to his boyfriends, still blushing. The others froze as they suddenly remembered that they were doing a vlive. They were so immersed in complimenting and just staring at their beautiful hyung that they totally forgot about army and the vlive.

"Haha, right hyung! We have an important meeting! Sorry army! We have to go!" Yoongi sprinted towards the phone, almost slipping on the carpet and face planting on the floor. The other group members followed him with their eyes, waiting patiently for him to turn the vlive off. Yoongi finally made to the phone, fiddling with the screen as he didn't know how to turn the vlive off.

"Do you need help Yoongichi?" Seokjin asked, curiously looking at the younger. Yoongi shook his head, pouting a little. He was a man, he could do it. It's not that hard to turn the vlive off, right?

"Ah, got it. Bye army! We're gonna go to the meeting now!" Yoongi yelled at the phone before turning the vlive off and sighing. He looked back at his members, wanting to know what to do now. The important meeting? Of course cuddling with Seokjin was important.

The sat in silence for a moment before all turning to look at blushing Seokjin.

"Kiss attack!!!"


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