look at me | 5

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Seokjin was peacefully watching a drama on the tv when Taehyung barged into the living room.

"Hyung!" He shouted, running right at Seokjin and falling onto the couch. The older didn't even look at the younger, eyes glued onto the tv.

"Hyung!!" Taehyung shouted again, slapping Seokjin's thighs to get his attention.

Seokjin looked at Taehyung with wide eyes and slapped Taehyung's arm for revenge.

"Hyung!!! Cuddle with me!" Seokjin sighed, throwing a glance at the tv. He opened his arms wide and Taehyung immediately jumped into the older's embrace.

They laid on the couch, Taehyung staring at the gorgeous man under him and Seokjin staring at the tv.

"I miss it." Taehyung suddenly whispered, stroking his hyung's soft hair. Seokjin looked at the younger, not understanding what he meant.

"Your voice, hyung. I miss it." Taehyung stared into Jin's dark brown eyes with love.

"Your laugh," Taehyung moved his gaze on Seokjin's pink lips "It's so quiet without your laugh." He looked up, staring into Seokjin's sparkling eyes.

Seokjin mouthed something.

Taehyung  stared at him in silence.

Seokjin mouthed something again.

"I don't understand hyung." Taehyung shook his head a little.

Seokjin sighed heavily and pushed Taehyung off him, making Taehyung fall on the floor with a loud thud.

"Hey!" Taehyung screamed with a pout, sitting up on the floor.

Seokjin took a paper from the nearest table and started writing something in a rush.

I'm sorry.

"No hyung, I'm sorry, you didn't need to apologize, I'm sorry hyung–" Taehyung got cut off when Seokjin tightly hugged him. He patted Taehyung's back, calming down the younger. Taehyung smiled like an idiot and closed his eyes.

He really loves his hyung.

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