does that make sense? | 25

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"Oh." Taehyung let out, staring at the older like he was some kind of a ghost.

"Hyung! You can talk?!" Jungkook yelled, bouncing up excitedly.

"No." Jin shortly answered, calmly putting his shoes on like he didn't just start talking.

"Wait what?" Jimin asked, as confused as the others.

Seokjin took out his phone, opening their group chat.

the thing is, i can talk.
a little
like right now i said 2 words and my throat hurts like hell
so if you dont mind i wont be talking

"Oh my god!" Namjoon screamed, making everyone look at him like he was crazy. To be honest, he sort of was becoming crazy because Seokjin actually got his voice back.

Seokjin nodded in agreement and opened the door, leaving the apartment first, with his members behind him, beyond happy.


"But hyung, how long have you been able to talk?" Taehyung asked, sitting down on the seat next to Seokjin's in their van.

The older shrugged his shoulders, showing Taehyung a peace sign.

"What? Oh, two days." Taehyung stared at Seokjin's crooked fingers.


"I want." Taehyung breathed out, staring at Seokjin 's angel like face. His hyung turned to him with a questioning look.

"P-pizza. Yeah." Taehyung quickly turned his head towards the window, looking outside at the passing cars.

Seokjin shrugged his shoulders again, wondering once again why were his friends acting so weird these days.

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