N.O pt.2 | 14

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"Just kidding!" Yoongi started laughing loudly, looking at the older's shocked face.

"Ah, but did he try to make you wear that lace underwear? That bastard." Yoongi stopped laughing, his face turning serious.

"If you're going to wear that underwear, you better show it to all of us." Yoongi muttered under his breath and luckily for him Seokjin didn't hear him, "Okay well, I'm going to make breakfast." Yoongi rushed out of the room, leaving Seokjin to sit on the bed with a frown on his face.

Why was everyone acting so weird these days?

He heard a notification coming from his phone and picked it up.


You'll do it, right?

No way!!!

I bought them for you and I want to see you in them

It's embarrassing!

No its not!
We all have seen you in your underwear

Wait wait wait

Yeah so the point is
Please try them on
i have an idea!!!
lets have a fashion show!!!
With you as our model!!!
Youre gonna try on underwear and we are going to rate it!!

This is too embarrassing!!!
You're crazy!

Ahh hyung why you gotta be like this...
U very no fun!!!

I am a very fun hyung and if you dont think so, the door is near the kitchen.

Noo hyung i didnt mean to be rude
I'm sorry!!


Seokjin sighed. No way he will do a 'underwear fashion show'! Where the heck did Jimin get that idea from?!

The maknae line were all laying on Taehyung's bed, staring at the screen of Jimin's phone and holding their breath.

"So, what did he say?" Jungkook stared at Jimin with wide eyes, excited to know the answer.

"No." Jimin said, pouting like a little kid who didn't get any candy.

"What? Whyyy?" Taehyung whined, aggressively punching his pikachu pillow that was laying next to him on the bed.

"He says it's embarrassing!" Jimin complained, throwing his phone away.

"Ah this hyung... It's not that embarrassing, he can do it!" Jungkook spoke, taking away the pikachu plushie from Taehyung and hugging it.

"Well go and tell him that!" Jimin exclaimed, hitting the back of Jungkook's head.

"Ah.... I– no..." Jungkook muttered, holding the his head in pain while Taehyung laughed at him.

"Yeah! Because you know he won't do it!"

"Okay guys calm down! Maybe if we wait a little he'll do it." Taehyung said, nodding to himself. Jimin and Jungkook looked at him with confused looks on their faces. "We'll figure it out." Taehyung promised, wiggling his eyebrows.

He he he
This book is slowly becoming +18 rated. And I don't like it! ʕʘʘʔ

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