embarrassed | 27

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"Jin hyung! Let's go to the park!" A loud Namjoon appeared in Seokjin's room, where the older was peacefully reading a book.

"It's cold outside, so put some warm clothes!" Namjoon left as fast as he came into the room, not waiting for the older's answer. But it's not like Seokjin could really answer, since his throat would start to hurt after speaking only about two words.

Seokjin quickly put some clothes on and rushed out of his room, accidentally bumping into Taehyung who was standing in front of his door.

"Hyung! Where are you going?!" Taehyung whined as he grabbed onto Seokjin's arm like his life depended on it.

"We are going to the park, Tae. Let him go." Namjoon spoke, looking at dumbfounded older who was trying to get free from Taehyung's grip, but the younger clearly didn't want to let go of his favorite hyung.

"I'll go with you!" Taehyung exclaimed, letting go of Seokjin's hand. A mistake. Namjoon quickly opened the door, pulled Seokjin outside with him and slammed the door close with so much strong power, that the door almost broke.

Seokjin looked at Namjoon in confusion, because, well, why couldn't Taehyung come with them? It's not like they are going on a date. No, Namjoon would never. Namjooon's ideal type was nowhere close to Seokjin, so it was impossible that Namjoon liked Seokjin.

"Let's go then." Namjoon said, starting to walk towards the park, acting like he didn't just almost break the whole house.


"Let's sit down, hyung." Namjoon plopped down on the bench, patting on the spot next to him. Seokjin sat down, looking around with curiosity. There were many couples passing by, some of them pointing at Namjoon and Seokjin and whispering something like 'cute couple' or 'handsome boyfriends'. Seokjin didn't hear them, too busy looking at little kids playing and running around. They were all so cute, the older started smiling widely, not even realizing it. Namjoon stared at his hyung with heart eyes until the older noticed that someone was staring at him and turned towards Namjoon.

Seokjin furrowed his eyebrows as he looked at Namjoon, who was still staring at his face, not even blinking. He waved his hand in front of the younger and luckily Namjoon woke up from his daydream.

"Ah hyung! I wanted to tell you something." Namjoon muttered, looking down at his hands. It was cold and Namjoon's hands were freaking freezing, because being the clumsy person he is, he lost his gloves somewhere.

Seokjin hummed quietly and looked down at Namjoon's fidgeting hands. He didn't even notice when he automatically took Namjoon's hands into his, making Namjoon suddenly look up at him in shock. Seokjin didn't really mind holding hands with Namjoon since he was used to the clingy maknae line holding, grabbing and even sometimes kissing his hands. Weird bastards.

"Hyung..." Namjoon muttered and Seokjin looked up at him, not letting go of Namjoon's cold hands. He smiled sweetly, waiting for Namjoon to say what he wanted to tell the older so badly.

"I know it's our fault you lost your voice, and you can be mad at us. But I just wanted to say–And you don't need to answer to my feelings! Oh god. But Seokjin, I love you." Namjoon suddenly blabbered out, his face getting more and more red as he spoke.

Seokjin stared quietly at the younger for couple of seconds, processing all the information in his head.

"As I said it's okay if you don't feel the same way." Namjoon said, slowly losing hope.

"I love you too." Jin whispered, smiling at the shocked younger.

"You said more than two words!" Namjoon shouted excitedly.


Sorry for not updating often.
I'm on a vacation and I don't have wifi so I I'm trying to update when I'm in town.
I apologize (˘з˘)

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