for you | 16

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"Ah hyung, why did you do that?" Jimin asked, putting a pillow under Seokjin's head. The older shrugged his shoulders. He didn't know.

"Now you have a fever." Namjoon spoke and handed him a cup of tea. Seokjjn pouted, making the other two males flash a smile.

"Namjoonie hyung, manager is here!" Jungkook yelled, entering the room. Namjoon quickly rushed outside.

"Oh hyung, how are you feeling?" Jungkook sat beside Jimin on Seokjin''s bed. The older shrugged his shoulders once again and sipped his tea.

"Everything okay, right?" Jungkook asked again. Jin showed an 'ok' sign with a small smile.

"We were worried, hyung." Jimin joined the conversation.

"Yeah, please don't do that again, Jin hyung." Jungkook took the tea cup out of Seokjin's hands and placed it on a table. He then took his hyung's hands into his own.

Seokjin nodded with watering eyes. He quickly pulled his hands away and hid his face in them.

These days, he cries a lot.

"What's wrong, hyungie?" Jimin asked in a worried tone. Seokjin just shook his head in embarrassment.

"Hyung! What about the doctor? What did he say?" Jungkook tried to pull Seokjin's hands off his face, but the older held them strongly in place. Seokjin shook his head again.

"Ah, so still no progress." Jimin quietly muttered to himself, but Jungkook heard him.

"What do you mean no progress? I know it, it's getting better every day!" Jungkook suddenly yelled. Jimin glared at the maknae and muttered something in answer. He remembered that he needed to go help Hoseok and quickly said goodbyes to them and left, leaving Jungkook and Seokjin alone.

Their hyung was still hiding his face. He didn't even realize that he started crying, until he felt his hands get wet. Jungkook noticed tears streaming from the older's chin and gently hugged Seokjin.

"Don't worry Jin hyung, you'll get your voice back, I'm sure!" The younger tried to sound positive, but he wasn't really sure if that would happen. He really wanted his hyung to get his voice back, to hear that angelic laugh. But he didn't know if it was possible.

Why did they do that? Why did they push him that hard?

"Hyung. We'll do everything to help you."

I'm sorry for my writing.
I'm currently sick, and my brains just don't work.
But thank you all for 2.8 K reads! You're awesome!

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