spring day | 32

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"Hyung~ Wake up hyungie~" A sweet, familiar voice woke Seokjin up from his sleep. He immediately noticed that the person was hugging his waist and breathing into his neck, which was kinda odd. But the other's presence was so calming, Seokjin started to fall asleep again, when the sweet voice started talking again.

"Seokjinnie hyung~ Wake up my lovely hyung!"

The older opened his eyes, not longer sleepy and looked at the intruder.

"Finally hyung. I thought you were dead." Hoseok said, smiling so wide it immediately cheered the older up. Seokjin nodded, and looked at Hoseok's arms around his waist questionably.

"You don't like me hugging you, hm? Okay I'll let you go, but just because I need to give you this!" Hoseok let go of Seokjin's waist and the older only had time to blink once when Hoseok already pulled out a bouquet full of pretty flowers out of somewhere. Seokjin stared at the flowers with open mouth, making Hoseok giggle at the a cute reaction.

"Pretty right? Just like you, Seokjinnie." Hoseok gave the flowers to his hyung.

"What is this?" Hoseok suddenly pointed to the flower and looked at Seokjin, "A flower. And what's this?" Hoseok gently touched Seokjin's cheek. "A flower too."

The older's ears and cheeks turned bright red, and he quickly hid his face in his hands.

"Hyung... Look at me! Don't be shy~" Hoseok peeled Seokjin's hands off his face and pecked the older's nose, earning a small huff from the older.

"It's okay. Don't be shy. You're handsome~ and funny and cute and very talented! And we love you so so much, right? Seokjinnie, I love you. You need to know that. And we– And I will never ever leave you! Okay? Remember that." Hoseok calmly stared into the other's confused eyes. Seokjin didn't really know what to do so he just looked down at the flowers on his lap.

After a minute or so, Seokjin nodded. And it was all Hoseok needed before leaning into Seokjin's embrace and gently kissing his hyung.

ahhh I could do better but... :(
I'm sorry

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