boyz with fun| 29

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Wrong. Really wrong.

Loving six people at once was wrong. Really wrong. But Seokjin couldn't help it! His friends, Namjoon, Jimin, Taehyung, Jungkook, Yoongi and Hoseok were just so awesome, so kind, so handsome, just so perfect, Seokjin couldn't help but to fall in love with them.

But it was wr–

"Hyung~ Hyung~!" Taehyung's deep voice was heard somewhere in the apartment.

Seokjin looked up from his phone to see Taehyung running towards him. He didn't have enough time to hide when the younger already tackled him to the sofa with his heavy body.

"Gotcha! We are going to the arcade!" Taehyung flashed his boxy grin, pulling the older so he would stand up with him.

"Huh?" Seokjin furrowed his eyebrows, staring at Taehyung, who was jumping around excitedly.

"We. Are. Going. To. The. Arcade. Come on!" Taehyung grabbed his hyung's wrist, guiding him towards the door, slowing down for a second so Seokjin could put his jacket and shoes on, and pulled him out of the apartment.


"Look! Mario!" Taehyung yelled as he saw the familiar figure on a screen, "Let's go play that!" he pulled the older to the big screen where Mario and his friends were running around.

Taehyung grinned and started the game, picking some random character so his hyung could get his most favorite character, Mario.

Seokjin noticed it. Taehyung tried to make Jin really happy. Was the younger going to tell something bad to him? Something like; 'you're so untalented' 'leave the group' 'you can't be in a relationship with Jimin and Namjoon' 'you're -'

"HYUNG!" Taehyung yelled right in Seokjin's ear when the older was lost in thoughts, not even reacting to Taehyung's loud complaints, "the game started already."


"Look, hyung! I won! I have 10 000 points!" Taehyung exclaimed excitedly, jumping up and down. Seokjin pouted. How could he lose to Taehyung while playing his most favorite game?! He had played that game thousand times. At this point, he thought he was a pro. But no, Taehyung who have never played suddenly won!

"Unfair." Seokjin muttered, still pouting. Taehyung noticed a couple of tears forming on the older's eyes and started panicking. Seokjin hyung was the oldest and still acted like a complete baby sometimes!

"No no no! Don't cry Jin-ah! The game is broken! Yes yes! Don't worry! I still love you, okay? I love you! Calm down baby!" Taehyung started blabbering while hugging his pouting hyung.

"If you don't stop pouting, I'll– I'll kiss you! Yeah!" Taehyung looked really serious when he grabbed Jin's shoulders so the older would look at him.

Seokjin stared at Taehyung in silence.

This just couldn't be happening.

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