war of hormones | 7

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"Hyung, it's like this!" Jimin said and showed the dance move more slowly. Seokjin nodded and copied the move.

They decided to practice for a little bit more while everyone else already left to go back to the dorm.

"Great hyung! You're getting it right!" Jimin cheered for the older.

Jin smiled widely, making Jimin's heart flutter. His hyung was just too cute for his weak little heart.

Jimin started jumping around, giggling. He heard Seokjin cough and froze in his spot.

"Ah, sorry I'm just... just very excited!" He exclaimed and showed a little smile to his hyung.


He watched Seokjin in silence. He was still practicing the new dance moves for their new comeback.

"Look." He said and started walking towards Seokjin.

"You need to bend your legs." He grabbed the older's waist, pushing it a little, making his hyung bend his legs.

"Like this." Jimin was standing behind Seokjin, staring at his legs. Or that's what the older thought. The younger was actually staring at Seokjin's butt without blinking, hands slowly moving down from his waist.

Round... Soft... Wanna touch....

Seokjin coughed, pulling Jimin out of his trance. The younger looked up at his hyung, who was waiting for the younger's help.

"Oh... and you gotta arch your back like... like this." Jimin was now hovering over Seokjin, staring at the older's body with a small smirk on his lips.

Seokjin suddenly let out a small squeak and fell forward on the floor, Jimin on top of him.

"Are you okay? Sorry, I was practically laying on top of you." Jimin nervously laughed and helped Seokjin to stand up.

Seokjin nodded and rubbed his butt. He managed to soften his fall with his hands, but Jimin clinging to his backside did not make any good to his butt.

"Does your butt hurt? Do you need help? I can massage it." Jimin blabbered, his hands automatically reaching for the round flesh.

Seokjin lightly slapped Jimin's hands away from his butt and showed him an ok sign, starting to practice the dance moves again.

Jimin stared at the worldwide handsome the whole evening, not even trying to focus on the dance anymore.

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