where did you come from? pt.2 | 17

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where are you?

we are at the studio
jin hyung rest okay?
we will come back in like a hour

okay kookie
good luck recording


Seokjin sighed, staring at the carpet in front of him. He was really bored. And all of the members left the dorm! What was he going to do?

Maybe he could rest. But he didn't want to! He wanted to have fun with his friends!

Maybe he could do a vlive? Ah, but he can't talk with army!

Seokjin threw his head back on the couch in frustration. Should he just practice their upcoming dance?

Seokjin decided it was a good idea to practice his dancing. Their living room was pretty big, and Seokjin had more than enough space to dance. He put their new song on from the speakers, and started dancing.

Luckily for him, their new dance choreography wasn't that hard. Or maybe Seokjin was just getting even more better in dancing. Probably the second option, since he really practiced his dancing a lot these days.

He danced their song till the end, and a new song came on. It was a girl group song, that Seokjin has heard a lot these days. He even knew the dance for that song! He started dancing to the song happily, just for fun.

The song ended and Seokjin fell on the carpeted floor. The girl's group dance was pretty tiring for him.

"Wow hyung, that was awesome!" Namjoon blurted out.

With wide eyes, Jin slowly turned his head to Namjoon's direction. He quickly hid his face in his hands when he saw Namjoon's happy face.

"No really, that was so cool! You should do a dance cover!" Namjoon happily jumped in excitement as Seokjin quietly lied on the floor.

Maybe if he pretends to be dead, Namjoon would leave?

"Hyung~" Namjoon walked to Seokjin's 'lifeless' body.

"Wake up!" Namjoon giggled, poking the older's legs. Seokjin didn't react to the leader's touching and remained 'dead'.

"Hyung, if you continue ignoring me, I will tickle you." Seokjin stood up in a flash, making Namjoon laugh at such a childish behavior coming from his hyung. Seokjin pouted and turned his back to the laughing Namjoon.

"Hyung~, don't be mad please~" Namjoon whined and hugged the older from the back, placing his chin on Seokjin's shoulder, "It was so cool, really!"

"We're home! Namjoon hyung, we recorded the other parts!" Taehyung yelled, running into the apartment with the other members behind him.

"Good job guys!" Namjoon let Jin out of his embrace and pulled him to the other members.

Everyone looked at happy Namjoon and really red Jin with confusion written all over their faces.

"Namjoon, what did you do to Jin hyung?" Yoongi asked coldly.

"What do you mean? I didn't do any–" Jimin quickly snatched Namjoon's hand and pulled him into his room, closing the door with a bang.

Everyone looked at the closed door in shock.

"No Jiminie! I didn't–" They heard Namjoon's scream from the room. Hoseok rushed to Seokjin and pushed him to the kitchen with others, letting Jimin peacefully talk with Namjoon.

Thank you for 3K reads!
I'm not so sick anymore, so my brains work better! I hope you guys liked this chapter. ^^

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