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"Is this Kim Seokjin's doctor?"

"Yes. Who is this?" The doctor's voice was heard from Taehyungs phone.

"Seokjin's band mate, Kim Taehyung. I wanted to ask about his condition." He answered nervously, looking down at his feet.

"Hm. Well, he's slowly getting better. But you can never know what could happen. Please don't stress him too much, or he will never get his voice back."

"Thank you... Do you know how long he will be without his voice...?" Taehyung asked, wishing for the best.

"I.... I don't know. Maybe a week, or a month. It all depends on how Seokjin is resting. If he's stressing himself too much, he may get his voice back only after a year, or never." The doctor's answer made Taehyung frown.

"Okay... Thank you." He quickly ended the call and looked over to Jungkook who was watching a video of their performance.

"Week. Month." Taehyung mumbled and laid down on his bed. Jungkook, who was sitting on his own bed, quietly hummed in response and continued watching the live performance.

Taehyung almost fell asleep when he opened his eyes quickly as he heard Jungkook's wobbly voice.

"It's our fault. We made him like that."

Taehyung looked at Jungkook's wide eyes staring in his own. Taehyung knew the younger was right, but he just didn't want to believe it. Jungkook suddenly hopped into Taehyung's warm bed and snuggled into the blankets, leaving Taehyung in the cold.

"Hey!" Taehyung yelled and tried to pull his blankets back. The maknae was holding the blankets with too much strength, not letting Taehyung get them back.

"Whatever Kook. I'll just go to Jin hyung's bed." Taehyung stood up and smirked, leaving dumbfounded Jungkook behind.

Taehyung opened the door to Seokjin's room. He saw the older sleeping peacefully, but he still wanted to make sure that the older was in dreamland.

"Jin hyung?" He softly whispered, staring at the beauty in the bed. The older didn't move, clearly asleep. Taehyung decided to get into his hyung's bed and started walking towards him when something popped up behind the sleeping male, making Taehyung jump back in shock.

"Tae?" Something asked in a sleepy voice.

"J-Jimin?" Taehyung tried to look into the something's face, but it was too dark in the room.

"Yeah. What are you doing here?" Jimin asked, raising his hand from Seokjin's wait and ruffling his hair.

"What are you doing here?" Taehyung asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Sleeping, what else?" Jimin answered, smirk grazing his lips.

"Taehyung, who the fuck are you talking to?" Yoongi suddenly appeared behind Taehyung, making the younger jump back in shock for the second time.

"J-Jimin." He pointed at the other guy laying behind his hyung.

Yoongi squinted his eyes, looking at Seokjin and not even noticing the other guy. After staring for couple of seconds, he finally noticed the younger who was nervously vibrating in the bed.

"Leave." He whispered coldly and Jimin quickly jumped out of the bed, running off to somewhere. Taehyung thought it was a very good idea to leave now before Yoongi could do something bad to him, and sprinted off as fast as he could.

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