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"Did you just...?" Hoseok asked, looked at pale Seokjin. The older opened his mouth as if he was trying to say something but no voice came out.

"J-Jin hyung?" Hoseok stared at Seokjin who was still trying to say something. The older shook his head, sad and a confused look in his eyes as he looked at Hoseok.

"Uhm, go to sleep hyung. Rest." Hoseok quickly pushed his puzzled hyung out of the kitchen. He was himself really curious how Seokjin could suddenly talk, but he decided it would be a good idea to think about that in the morning.


"Wake up Jin hyung! We're late!" Namjoon yelled in Seokjin's ear, trying to wake the older from his deep sleep. Seokjin suddenly fluttered his eyes wide open, a quiet gasp leaving his lips as the first thing he saw that day is their leader's face up really close.

Namjoon stood up and motioned towards the door.
"We're late hyung! Come on!" He ran out of the room to the five other members who were all waiting for their hyung to wake up.

Finally sleepy Seokjin came out of the room, his hair messy and sticking in every directions. But he was Kim Seokjin, and looked beautiful no matter what, so it didn't really matter.

"Oh! I wanted to tell you something!" Hoseok started, but got interrupted by Yoongi.

"Why the hell did you sleep for so long? What did you do?"

"Rest." Jin's voice was quiet and croaky, but everyone heard him.

"Well, that was kinda what I was going to tell you." Hoseok added.

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