first love | 30

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hyung come to the studio

do I bring food?

bring yourself

okay yoongichi


Yoongi was working on Bangtan's new track when he heard light knocking on the door to his studio. He sighed and stood up. If it was again someone from the maknae line wanting to ask him some stupid questions he will–

"Hyung!" Yoongi happily exclaimed, showing his gummy smile. He pulled Seokjin inside, pushing him onto his favorite leather chair.

"Ah, I said you didn't have to bring food." Yoongi looked at the bags in his hyung's hands.
Seokjin shrugged and put the bags on the floor. If Yoongi didn't want to eat the food, then he was more than ready to it by himself.

"So, listen to this song." Yoongi put his headphones on Seokjin and pressed play. While the older was listening, Yoongi couldn't tear his eyes off the oblivious hyung.

"So how was it?" Yoongi removed the headphones when the song ended. Seokjin smiled and showed thumbs up, making Yoongi blush a little. For him, the fact that his hyung liked the song was really important. Luckily the older didn't notice his blushing face, too busy staring at the bag full of delicious food...

"Hyung! Listen! That song will be our title song, okay? And guess what? You're the first one singing!" Yoongi exclaimed, his face literally glowing in excitement.

Seokjin stared at him with wide eyes. It was such a rare thing, him singing the first line. Usually he just sang like one line, sometimes more.

"So what do you think?" Yoongi asked, carefully examining the older's face. He couldn't really understand if his hyung was happy or sad.

Definitely happy. Yoongi finally understood when he was being tightly hugged by no other than Kim Seokjin. His love. His future boyfriend.

"I'm happy you're happy." Yoongi hugged the older tighter.

"Oh also Seokjin-ah! I don't know if this is the right time to say this, but man, I love you."

thank you for 38K reads!!

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