save me | 9

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"It hurts! Stop it!" Jungkook shouted as Seokjin was tickling him, laying on the ground. He suddenly broke free and pushed his hyung down, hovering over the older.

"My turn!" Jungkook grinned maniacally and started tickling Seokjin. The victim of Jungkook's attack tried to wiggle his way out, but the maknae was stronger than him.
Seokjin breathed heavily and tried to hit Jungkook's head but the younger pinned his hands down. He took a deep breath and stared at his hyung under him.

Those parted lips, half closed eyes...
Jungkook leaned down and–

"Here you are!" Namjoon yelled right into Jungkook's ear, grabbing him by his jacket and pulling him up to make him stand up.

"Don't bully Jin hyung!" Hoseok added and helped Jin stand up, dusting dirt off the older's clothes.

"I– I didn't!" Jungkook whined, pouting like a little kid.

"Yeah right. I saw it, you almost kis–" Jimin started, but Taehyung quickly put his hand on the other's mouth.

"Let's just go, alright?" Yoongi muttered and pushed Jungkook forward.

They were walking back to the car when Seokjin stopped by a clothes store. He quickly took out his phone and wrote a message in their group chat.

can we go to that store i need underwear
almost all of my underwear disappeared...
do u guys know where it went??

"Okay Jin hyung let's buy you some underwear!" Taehyung exclaimed happily and grabbed Seokjin's arm, dragging him inside.

"I wonder where the underwear went..." Yoongi said, staring blankly at blushing Jimin and Hoseok. He sighed and followed his hyung into the shop, the other members running after them.

"Look at these!" Namjoon suddenly shouted, showing Seokjin underwear with Ryan on the back. The older stared at them for a moment before smiling slightly at Namjoon and turning away.

"No, look at these!" Taehyung showed underwear with hearts all over them to Seokjin, but the older just shrugged his shoulders.

"Woah" Jimin breathed out, looking at lace underwear in his hands, "Hyung..." he looked at Seokjin with puppy eyes, trying to give the underwear to the older.

"No no no!" Hoseok screamed and took the underwear out of Jimin's hands, throwing them away somewhere.

Jimin took another pair, glaring at Hoseok.

"Jimin." Hoseok said in a serious tone, glaring back at Jimin.

"I know you want it." Jimin whispered, a smirk visible on his lips.

"I– I– Jimin!" Hoseok averted his gaze away, blushing a little as he thought of his hyung wearing the lace underwear.

Meanwhile Namjoon, Taehyung, Jungkook and Yoongi already became Jin's sugar dad– already bought Jin new underwear and left, leaving Hoseok and Jimin to talk out their problem with the underwear.

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