mister right | 33

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"Seokjin hyung! Come here!" Taehyung yelled, nervously fidgeting with his fingers. He and the other members expect for Seokjin were sitting in the kitchen, all very nervous and scared. This was the day when they all were going to talk with their only love, Kim Seokjin. They all have noticed long time ago that they liked– no, loved the same person. Even though at first they weren't fully sure what these feelings were, they understood everything after Seokjin lost his voice. That time, everyone was feeling sad and disappointed in themselves for making Seokjin stress so much, just because he wasn't 'good enough'. But Seokjin was good enough, he was very hardworking but suffered because of his stupid team members who only thought about themselves.

Seokjin walked into the kitchen with a smile, that disappeared right after Seokjin noticed everyone's serious faces. He sat down and looked around questionably.

"Jin hyung," Yoongi licked his lips and looked down, "Jin hyung, we're gonna talk with you a little, okay? Just don't talk, I know your throat still hurts." Seokjin opened his mouth but Jungkook put a finger on the older's lips, so he wouldn't even try to speak.

"Seokjin-ah, you know that we all love you, right? Like really love you." Hoseok said, warmly smiling at his hyung. Out of this whole group he was the only one who didn't look nervous or scared. Hoseok was just used to always smiling, even in most the scariest moments.

"Yeah! We all love really really really love you! Jimin exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air, trying to show how much he loved Seokjin.

"We want to be your boyfriends." Taehyung added, and everyone looked at him.

"Tae, we were supposed to say that later." Namjoon sighed and hid his face in his hands. Seokjin stared at everyone, his brain slowly processing all the new information he just got from his future boyfriends.

"We kinda knew that we all you know, loved you, so we talked about it and I think we can all be your boyfriends, if you want to date us." Yoongi said. Everyone looked at Seokjin, waiting for the older's reaction. They didn't wait for long before their hyung started to cry silently, which made everyone in the room panic. Namjoon quickly hugged the older, letting him cry into his shoulder. Everyone else stared at them, waiting for someone to speak up.

"I want to." Seokjin muttered, hiding his face even more in Namjoon's shoulder.

"I love you." Namjoon blurted out, slightly blushing.

"I love him too!" Jungkook yelled, startling everyone else in the kitchen. Jimin hit his shoulder, whispering something into the younger's ear that no one else could hear.

"I love Seokjinnie~" Taehyung cheerfully said, patting Seokjin's hair.

"I love him too, I mean who doesn't?" Hoseok exclaimed. The atmosphere in the room was slowly changing from tense to more comfortable and carefree.

"Do I really need to say this again? Yah, Seokjin hyung, I love you. But you already knew that." Yoongi muttered, pouting slightly. Seokjin detached himself from Namjoon and was ready to nag Yoongi, but decided this was not the best moment.

"Hyung~ I really love you! You're the best!" Jimin exclaimed with a happy smile, and quickly hugged the older. Only after that everyone noticed that their hyung was blushing, which made everyone very proud, because they could make him that flustered.

"I love you too~ You are so sweet and caring. I love you so~ much." Seokjin blushed even more and looked at his boyfriends faces. They were all staring at the beauty in front of them, thinking how lucky they got to have a boyfriend like him.

"Boy you want my kiss, right?" Jungkook suddenly asked, earning a couple of loud complaints from others.

"Actually, he got my kiss already." Hoseok said, proudly putting his hands on his hips and looking at everyone with a smirk.

"What?!" Taehyung yelled, mouth wide open.

"Shut the mouth boy, you'll catch flies." Hoseok grinned, and winked to Seokjin, who was already too red from all this embarrassment.

"Okay, let's just forget about this." Yoongi said, slightly sighing because he wanted to be the first boyfriend who kissed Seokjin.

"HEY!" Namjoon suddenly screamed, and everyone looked at Jimin and Seokjin. Yoongi wasn't the only one who wanted to be the first boyfriend to kiss Seokjin. Hoseok kissed Seokjin when they weren't dating, which meant that Yoongi could kiss Seokjin right now, but it was too late. Because Jimin already kissed Seokjin, and now Jimin was the first boyfriend.

"This is– This is really unfair..." Jungkook muttered, looking at Jimin's proud smile and Seokjin's confused face.

"Kiss attack!" Taehyung yelled, jumping onto Seokjin's lap. Everyone else yelled something too, and attacked their lovely boyfriend with kisses and hugs.

❤︎the end❤︎

Thank you all for reading this book!
This is the end for this book, but i still have my other book + a new one coming soon
Again, thank you really really much for reading and maybe even liking this book!

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