blood sweat and tears pt.2 | 19

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Yoongi giggled as he watched a video from their perfomance, "Hyung, your voice cracked." He said, not tearing his gaze away from his phone.

"I know." Seokjin muttered in response, putting his hands up to his eyes to stop any tears escaping.

Why was his voice crack so funny to Yoongi?


"By the way, I noticed you had some wrong moves in the choreography." Jimin said, stopping Seokjin in the middle of the hall.

"I'll try to fix them." Jin answered quietly, continuing his way to the bathroom.


"You're too far from me! Do the moves quickly and run to me faster." Taehyung said to Seokjin at another dance practice.

"Okay, I'll try." Jin answered and continued dancing.


"When you're singing, you're right in front of me, so look where you stand and try to stabilize your voice." Namjoon said, pointing at the floor in front of him.

"I'll try." Seokjin answered and grabbed his head in pain. His headache was getting worse but he had to practice more, again.


"Hyung, where are you?" Seokjin heard Yoongi's worries voice from his phone.

"In the practice room, why?" He answered and heard Yoongi sigh.

"Why are you there? We have a day off!" He noticed that Yoongi started to get annoyed.

"I just needed to practice a little more, Yoongichi."
Seokjin looked at all the papers with lyrics in front of him.

"Don't be there for too long. Come home soon."

"Yes Yoongichi, gotta go!" Seokjin ended the call and picked one of the papers up. He started singing his lines, reading the lyrics from the paper. He heard a staff member come in, but didn't turn around.

"Seokjin-ssi, why are you practicing here alone?" A female staff asked, picking up a bag from the floor.

"Ah, we have a day off, but I came here to practice my singing and dancing." Seokjin answered, turning to look at the staff member.

"Really? You're such a hardworking idol" The staff member smiled "But you should always remember to rest, Seokjin-ssi." Seokjin smiled kindly at her and she bowed, exiting the room.

He continued singing his lines from all the songs they would perform at the next concert.


Seokjin's phone started ringing and he rushed to his phone to answer the call.

"Jin hyung!!! Where are you!!! It's late already!!!" Taehyung's loud voice yelled right in Seokjin's ear, making him deaf for a second.

"I'm at the practice room, Taehyungie." Seokjin answered calmly.

"It's late hyung!! Come home!" Taehyung was still yelling and the older had to put the phone away from his ear.

"What do you mean late?" Seokjin frowned and looked at the clock, gasping loudly when he saw the time.

"Taehyungie, I will come soon, okay?" He ended the call in rush and turned back to the papers.

Maybe a couple more songs?

Seokjin continued singing and dancing in front of the mirror.


The oldest hyung of BTS was still working hard when he heard the door open for a second time.

"Seokjin-ssi, did you come to practice again?" The same staff member from earlier asked.

"Huh? I didn't leave." Seokjin answered looking at himself in the mirror. The staff member gasped in shock.

"What? You were here the whole night?" She asked worriedly. Seokjin suddenly stopped moving and slowly turned to look at her.

"What?" He breathed out before feeling exhausted and dizzy, glancing at the staff member before his body gave up and he fell on the floor.

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