blood sweat and tears | 18

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"Hyung no! Like this!" Jungkook stomped his foot, angrily showing the dance moves to Seokjin. The older quickly copied the dance moves, trying not to anger the younger anymore.

"Better." Jungkook said and left the stage. Seokjin continued dancing that one hard part of the dance, in the middle of the stage, alone.

"Please leave the stage." Seokjin heard a staff member say, and rushed back down. Now, behind the stage, while everyone else was resting, the oldest member of BTS continued to practice his dancing.


"Jungkookie look, is it better now?" Seokjin asked, showing the dance moves to the younger.

"Yeah." Jungkook answered with a blank look, turning his back to the older and looking at the stage in front of him.


"This part, this part is wrong!" Hoseok yelled, pointing at Seokjin. He showed the right dance moves to the older. He muttered a 'thank you' and started working on a new dance move. It was really hard, and Seokjin was tired. The whole day, he has only practiced his dancing for their upcoming concert. The concert was starting in couple of hours, and Seokjin thought that he still wasn't ready. Everyone else were eating, and he wanted to eat too. But he wasn't satisfied with how his dancing looked. He should practice even more after the concert. He didn't want to disappoint all the armys that came to see BTS. He wanted to be as good as the other members.

"Hyung! Come eat!" Taehyung shouted and Seokjin rushed to him.

They all ate peacefully, while the older ate quickly so he could have more time to practice his dance moves before the concert.


The concert started well, Seokjin didn't make any mistakes. He noticed Hoseok and Jungkook looking at his direction couple of times while doing the hard choreography.

He tried his best, so armys wouldn't be disappointed in him.

At the end of the concert, Seokjin was singing well, until his voice cracked. He looked down in embarrassment for a second, but looked up again at the armys with a small smile. Everyone was singing, and BTS' hyung was happy. That's all he wished for.


"Your voice cracked." Namjoon commented, throwing a water bottle at Seokjin in the dressing room.

"I'm sorry. I'll practice more." The older muttered, turning away with a frown.

"No hyung, don't stress too much, okay? It happens sometimes, okay? Now go rest." Seokjin nodded and left the dressing room.

Namjoon thought Seokjin went home.

Seokjin went to the dance practice room.

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