N.O | 11

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"Morning." Hoseok said, walking into the kitchen where all his friends were, except for Jin.

"Good morning Hobi!" Jimin smiled and continued eating his food.

"Where's Jin hyung?" Hoseok asked, sitting down.

"Sleeping." Yoongi answered, half asleep.

"Sleeping? But it's already 10 am! He doesn't sleep that late." Hoseok's expression turned from sleepy to worried in a second. Yoongi hummed in response, too lazy to answer and continued to drink his coffee. They all started to eat their breakfast while talking about concerts and fansigns.

"Guys, I have something to say." Namjoon spoke, putting his plate away. Everyone looked at him with curious looks, stopping munching on the food.

"So..." Namjoon gulped nervously, looking at the table in front of him, "I talked with our manager and I think it will be for the best if Seokjin leaves the group." Namjoon breathed out.

"What?!" Jimin yelled, standing up from his seat.

"Are you– Are you out of your mind?" Yoongi spat out, not feeling sleepy anymore.

"I– Not forever guys! For couple of months, so he could rest." Namjoon said, putting his hands up in defense.

"And we? Are we gonna comeback while our 7th member is left alone?" Jungkook asked, clearly annoyed.

"He won't be alone–"

"I don't like this idea." Hoseok interrupted Namjoon, glaring at the leader.

"You don't understand. It's better for him! He could rest and get hi– his voice back!" Namjoon exclaimed, his voice wavering a little.

"No!" Yoongi shouted, hitting the table with his fist, startling other members.

"Jin hyung won't leave this group! Never!" Jungkook added, furrowing his eyebrows as he stared at Namjoon.

"But it's better if he leaves!" Namjoon tried again, hiding his face in his palms.

"What?" A voice asked.

im sorry for my crappy writing T^T
i cant believe i have 1k reads... ('ω')
anyways, thank you for reading!

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