wake up | 13

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"WAKE UP!!!" A loud voice yelled right in Seokjin's ear. He fluttered his eyes open to see Jimin's face really close to his. He suddenly panicked and pushed the younger out of his sight, making him almost fall on the floor.

"Hey! That was mean!" Jimin pouted and put his hands on his hips. Seokjin showed him a little smile and slowly sat up from his bed, feeling sleepy.

"So, now try on the underwear I
bought." Jimin proudly said, showing the older the bag in his hands.

Try what?! Seokjin stared at Jimin in shock. If he had the ability to speak, right now he would be speechless.

"What's wrong, hyungie?" Jimin tilted his head cutely. Seokjin just stared at the younger with a frown.

"Jimin what the fuck?" Yoongi cursed under the blankets.

"Oh, Yoongi~ I was talking to Jin." Jimin smiled innocently, looking at the Yoongiburrito.

"I heard you, idiot. You want him to try on underwear? Are you dumb?" Yoongi's head peeked out of the blankets, making Jimin giggle at the sight. Yoongi's hair was all messy and it looked like he just came back from a fight.

"Yeah? What's wrong with that?" Jimin turned back to the frozen Seokjin, smiling.

"You don't get it? Jin hyung. Trying. On. Underwear. For. You. What is that? Stripping?" Yoongi stood up from his bed, trying to comb his hair with his fingers so he wouldn't look like a complete mess.

"No Yoongi, I just want to know how they look." Jimin answered, trying to look all innocent. Too bad Yoongi knew all of Jimin's tricks.

"Let me think. No." Yoongi started pushing Jimin to the door.

"Later then, hyung!" Jimin yelled cheerfully as Yoongi pushed him out of their room.

Yoongi turned to Seokjin and showed his gummy smile, making the older smile back at him.

"That's funny. You wouldn't try them on for him right?" He walked towards his hyung's bed, leaning down on Seokjin's level.

"But you would try them for me right, hyung?" He whispered into Seokjin's ear.

Ooh juicy~

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