love is not over | 26

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"No! I said, he can talk!" Taehyung loudly exclaimed into the phone, waking Namjoon up from his nap.

"Are you sure?" The annoyed doctor asked, still not believing Taehyung.

"I'm sure! Why can't you believe me?!"

"Then let Mr. Kim talk to me."

"No! He can't-"

"Didn't you just say he can talk? Mr. Kim if you–"

"You know what? You– You Mr– Mr. dumb doctor! You're fired!" Taehyung yelled, throwing the phone onto the bed.

"Tae, what's wrong?" Namjoon asked, now fully awake.

"That stupid doctor! Doesn't believe me!" Taehyung huffed, throwing himself on the bed next to Namjoon.

"Forget about him. We don't need him anymore." Namjoon smiled as he patted Taehyung hair, hearing the younger whine quietly into the pillow.


"J.... J... Jeon." Jungkook said, staring intensely at Seokjin.
"J... Jeon. Jung.... Kook. Jungkook."
Seokjin opened his mouth, trying to say it. Still, no voice.

Jungkook sighed. He was sitting on the floor with Seokjin for hours, trying to make him say something. Even a little 'i love you' or 'please be my boyfriend' would be good, but no, his hyung remained quiet.

Seokjin pouted when Jungkook sighed again. It wasn't his fault that he lost his voice! He hit Jungkook's arm and turned towards the tv.

"What was that for?!" Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows as he stared at angry Seokjin. What did he do?

The older huffed and crossed his arms, completely ignoring the younger.

"Hyung~" Jungkook tried, but the older suddenly turned deaf.

"Yaaaaa, what did I do?!" Jungkook complained, poking Seokjin's face.

His hyung huffed again, ignoring Jungkook's annoying little fingers on his handsome, clean face.

"If you're gonna continue ignoring me, I will kiss you." Jungkook suddenly said, making Seokjin look at him in shock.

Is he crazy?! That little &@!$#@#%?!

That's what Seokjin tried to say, but sadly his voice didn't work that well. So he just opened and closed his mouth, making Jungkook think he was imitating a fish.

"I don't understand." Jungkook muttered, looking at Seokjin' lips.

Seokjin rolled his eyes and quickly stood up, not wanting the younger to attack him because he ignored him.

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