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"Okay, so we'll just say that Jin has a bad cold and that he can't talk because of that." The manager said.

"But–" Jimin started, but the manager lifted his hand in the air, signaling that he won't listen to any objections.

"We will do that. Now, go home. We'll infrorm everyone."

Hoseok pulled Jimin, who clearly wanted to stay and talk more out of the room.


"I don't think this is right." Jimin said, sitting down in their van.

"Jimin. Our manager knows what is right, okay? Don't worry about it." Hoseok smiled and patted Jimin's soft hair. Jimin sighed and looked out of the window.

They sat like that, Jimin staring out of the window, thinking about someone important as Hoseok was slowly stroking Jimin's hair, thinking about that someone too.


"So?" Namjoon, who was standing near the door with a mug in his hands, asked as soon as he saw Jimin and Hoseok step into the apartment.

"Seokjin has a cold. Can't talk." Hoseok said, looking at the tired Namjoon.

Namjoon frowned a little, nodded and left to his room.

Jimin muttered something under his breath and left to his room, leaving Hoseok standing there alone. He stood there for a minute, until he noticed someone walking towards him in the dark.  It was a sleepy Seokjin, who propably didn't notice Hoseok, as he casually walked past him.

Hoseok followed the older to the kitchen, where Seokjin went to drink some water.

"Hyung!" Hoseok whispered into Seokjin's ear, at the same time placing his hands on Jin's small waist, making him jump.


Hoseok's eyes widened.

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