rain | 6

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"Eeh~" Namjoon whispered, singing along to Seokjin's high note in 'Crystal snow'.

Seokjin's high note was too good. Namjoon has been listening to it on the loop for an hour. It was just so perfect. It was just so... high.

How high would he scream if Namjoon pound– Wait wait wait. Stop. Namjoon should stop thinking like that about his hyung.

Namjoon hid his face in hands in embarrassment. How could he think about Jin hyung like that? Was it okay? Was he drunk? Or was he in love?

Namjoon started laughing to himself silently, not wanting to bother his band mates who were already asleep. Could he actually be in love?

The door opened with a loud creak and someone tiptoed towards Namjoon's bed.

"What?" Namjoon asked, annoyed because someone interrupted his wild imaginations.

That someone sat down on his bed and hugged him, shaking a little.

"I'm busy."

The other didn't answer.

"I don't understand, what do you want?"

Silence. Again.

Namjoon growled in annoyance and put his bed lamp on. He looked at the intruder and saw his handsome hyung staring at him back with wide eyes.

He looked like a lost puppy, like a small child, so cute that Namjoon wanted to squeeze him right there.

Seokjin pointed at the window and Namjoon looked there, noticing that it was raining, with a loud lightning streaking in the dark sky.

"Ah~ are you scared?" Namjoon looked back at his handsome hyung, staring into Seokjin's doe eyes.

Seokjin nodded, looking down. He was the oldest hyung and yet, scared of the lightning. Pretty embarrassing, he thought.

"It's okay, I'm here." Namjoon hugged the older and stroked his back, calming him down.

Seokjin was feeling scared, but in Namjoon's embrace he felt safe.

silence ♡ jin x bts ✓Where stories live. Discover now