where did you come from? | 8

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"So delicious!" Taehyung exclaimed, stuffing his mouth full with food.

"Do you like the food, Jin hyung?" Hoseok asked, watching as Seokjin munched on his noodles. The older nodded rapidly. The food was so good, he already set the cook as his role model.


Seokjin stood up and went to the restroom.
He did his business and as he was walking back to their table, a group of girls stopped in front of him.

"Hey! Are you from BTS?" One of the girls asked, twirling a strand of her hair between her fingers.

Seokjin nodded and tried to walk past them but the girls suddenly stood right in front of him, not letting him leave.

"Can I get a photo? An autograph?"
Another girl asked, taking a step towards the hyung of BTS. He nodded again, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Are you like mute or something? Talk!" The girl who wanted a photo spat out, suddenly getting angry.

Seokjin frowned and looked down, sensing that the girls were no good. He tried to walk past them, only to be stopped again.

"Hey! I can tell your fans how mean you're towards us!" The first girl pushed Seokjin, making his head hit the wall behind him.The other girls giggled, mischievous smirks on their faces.

Seokjin started to panic. Surely, he was a man, and could overpower the girls but, what would the media say if they found out that he fighting with some teenage girls? He was raised as a gentleman, he was never the type of a person to talk badly about people, or even fight. So what could he do? He couldn't shout for help, nor tell the girls to go away.

"Yah, you pathetic piece of– talk already!" The girl looked at him with a disgusted look and raised her hand to push Jin again.

Just as her hand was close to pushing Seokjin against the wall once again, a strong pair of hands pulled the guy into a warm embrace.

"What the fuck are you doing? Get the hell out of here before I sue you!" Seokjin's hero, Yoongi yelled and the girls ran off.

"Are you okay? Did they hurt you? Why didn't you try to run? Does your head hurt?" Yoongi tightened his grip on his hyung's waist.

Seokjin playfully hit Yoongi's chest, blush creeping on his face.

"Ah~ it hurts, hyung! It hurts..." Yoongi exclaimed, grabbing his shirt dramatically and closing his eyes in 'pain'. "My heart!"

Seokjin rolled his eyes at the childish behavior and dragged Yoongi to their table.

"Oh hyung! Did you take a good poop?" Taehyung asked, making everyone sigh.

"Tae, you can't ask that. Did you take a big business, hyung?" Jimin asked, making everyone sigh even louder.

Seokjin rolled his eyes once again and sat down to continue eating his food, when he noticed that he didn't have any food left on his plate.
He slowly looked at everyone at the table, staring into their eyes, trying to find out who ate his food.

"JK." Yoongi whispered to the older and Jungkook immediately stormed off out of the restaurant, almost hitting some people on the way. He was already wearing his jacket, meaning he already planned his runaway. He was ready to run.

Seokjin rushed after the maknae, picking up his jacket on the way and leaving his members to take care of their food.

This would be a long chase.

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