The 12th of April (a Thursday)
Well the first day, we arrived at the airport in Madrid and then we went with the buss to Segovia where I saw the old city and an aqueduct. We also took some pictures and I did a small photoshoot with Dorine. I don't exactly know why we were late in Palencia, but we were there at 22.00 in the evening. I was exhausted, but there was a funny thing, because in Spain it is usual to give two kisses as a greeting.
When I came out of the buss I had to give every Spanish person of the exchange two kisses and for Dutch people, it's quite different. We don't do that, we shake hands. Almost everyone of the exchange group lives in an apartment with two bathrooms in Spain, but we live in a house in the Netherlands. My exchange student is very sweet, her parents too and her little brother is quite shy.
The 13th of April (a Friday)
Not a very exciting day. The Spanish exchange students had to go to school per usual and we got a tour around the high school and Palencia. Luckily, we (the whole group of students) went walking through the city, we chilled a bit and then went bowling. I didn't do it so well, probably because the bowling alley was so short (always find an excuse ;-)), but I did not lose.
The 14th of April (a Saturday)
Today was a little more exciting. At first, the group and I had a tour in museum with ruins of a Roman Villa. After that, we went to one of the cities were some kind of pilgrimage went through. We had to interview these pilgrims or just hikers, but we (I, my exchange student, Rubí and Sander) couldn't find anyone who wasn't occupied already or wanted to do interview. Finally, there was a guy who had done the pilgrimage seven times. He told us so many things that we were almost 10 minutes late for the bus and the Dutch people from the group were already calling us. When the guy was finally done, we ran to the bus😂
But funny thing is that wouldn't be the only time we were late that day.
When we came back to Palencia, we ate pizza and played football. I was the keeper and the only Dutch girl.
In the evening the Spanish students had planned to go out to a club with alcoholic drinks. Yes, my exchange student and I were late again, but this time we weren't the last ones. The club poured alcoholic drinks to people who were 16 year old which was actually illegal in Spain, but that didn't hold back some students.
I also drank some Bacardi-cola, but not much. The drunks were really funny. But frankly, something caused some stress, because the police came and everyone had to be evacuated from the building (underage drinking).
My legs felt so freakishly warm. It was so weird.
One Dutch guy (Barry) climbed on a window and was all explaining to me what is the best way to treat him when he is drunk in the Burger King.
One Dutch girl was so happy, she kept telling me that she accidentally had taken a different jacket which was not hers when she had to leave the club and that now she had free earbuds.
Another Dutch guy was throwing up continuously and kept apologizing because of his bad behavior (he drank way too much and we were only in there for one and a half hour).
And then there was the group of two Spanish girls and two Dutch guys, they were very cuddly and taking pictures with Spanish people who were not from the exchange.
It was quite chaotic but I came home safely with really warm legs. (Is that normal when you drink alcohol? I asked someone and he thought it was really weird😂)
The 15th of April (a Sunday)
Finally, I could wake up at 11 o'clock and not at 7. I was so happy. Pfoei.
a Big Mess of Weird Stuff
Non-FictionMy name is Layla. This book is about my life and the writing is just a big old mess (hence the title). I am from the Netherlands, so it could be that there are some grammar mistakes in here, especially in the beginning 'cause I was fourteen when I w...