The 20th of February
In less than a half hour, I am going to the gym together with mom, so I am going to be quick.
AHhh I am listening to Disney Music. SO NICE. Music from Ratatouille, the greatest animation movie of all time. Just because I have watched it so many times.
But, that is not what I wanted to tell.
This month has been a bit more exciting than the month before.
I have been on a date with Mike. It was great, but there was no spark or tension, you know. I had tension when I went out with Jared, so I sort of was looking for that, but it wasn't there. We went out for dinner and later played Glow Golf (very original I know, but he really wanted to do it). I won but lost at a game of pooling.
Mike and I are still talking and he wants to call with me, but I just don't feel like it.
Today I looked for a different source for advice because I don't want to talk about my sort of dating life with close friends for some reason. I am scared that I imagine too many scenarios in my head about him and me and that all my expectations would be way too high and crazy. The source for advice was Judy, but a different Judy than I mostly talked about. This girl is in most of my classes and in Economics we are sitting together in a group.
Yesterday I found that she has quite a lot of experience just like Maaike (a friend of her that also sits together). They were talking about all the ways they left their hands while making out with someone. (The conclusion is that it's the best way is to leave in the hair or neck or face.)
So, the advice Judy gave me is to just say that I don't feel the need to call. I whatsapped him that, but he did not totally get me, so I sort of repeated it and now I feel guilty but also confused.
That is my story of this month.
Oh yeah, and I sort of know what kind of study I want to follow: International Bachelor of Arts and Culture Studies at Erasmus University. I got so excited during the general presentation about IBACS during the open day.
This month, I had a party of a friend and there was alcohol. I can tell you this: the party was a lot of giggling and weird nose touching.
it stinks and is gross, but awesome.
a Big Mess of Weird Stuff
Non-FictionMy name is Layla. This book is about my life and the writing is just a big old mess (hence the title). I am from the Netherlands, so it could be that there are some grammar mistakes in here, especially in the beginning 'cause I was fourteen when I w...