Welcome, friends and fuckweasels, to Rush's fourth book of random yelling!!
This is where I post all my tags, story ideas, rants, shower thoughts, life updates, and everything in-between.
Warning: contains a lot of absurdly random nonsense that wil...
it kinda really weirds me out when someone follows me
and then i look at their profile and it's like
completely barren
and literally the only thing on their profile is that they're following me and have voted/commented on one of my stories and/or added them to a reading list
i just
who are you
why me
what is this
though recently that happened, and i looked at the person's profile and actually it was a Good Friendo from DA, but then other times it's just
wtf's goin on here...?
also i'm really sad because one of my Really Heckin Awesome deviantArt friends has been gone for several months now and i have no idea why ;-;
and i mean really sad
i seriously miss her
she didn't give any indication of leaving, just kinda...vanished ;-;
she's a great artist and a rlly cool person and i just
it really upsets me when friends go inactive because i need my people
i already get sad easily, it doesn't help when a friend goes missing hhnnn
*heavy sigh*
okay i'm too sad
we need happiness, not sads
sads leads to more sads
and more sads leads to vent art and angst
look at this adorable thing i requested
look at the cute
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several of my little relatives are coming over for Easter and my mom put me in charge of putting candy in the annoying plastic eggs
i said okay
then she dumped a MOUNTAIN of plastic eggs on me and like seventeen bags of lame Easter-themed candies
it took me like an hour to fill them all lol
like half of the eggs were covered in glitter for some reason?? so naturally i ended up covered in glitter as well
i have an Amulet contest entry to do
turns out the deadline is the 31st and i for some reason thought it was later but nOPE