I found this notebook buried in one of my drawers, and discovered a story that I started had writing when I was somewhere between twelve and thirteen, maybe even fourteen.
It was based on a short story I had to write for an English assignment back in...I think 6th grade, so yeah twelve or thirteen makes sense. Plus most of the characters are around that age so yep seems legit
Oh,,,my god.
It seems sOOO OLD WOW
It's actually not...terrible? though?? It kinda reminds me of that nightmare, Know Everything, Know Nothing, except this one is actually a bit more original. The grammar's alright, and from the...three...chapters I could tell Past Rush had thought a lot about the world
(whoa wait no this was even before I started going by Rush. goddamn this is OLD)
And wow
I was obsessed with describing things even at that age
I mean I can see that the setting in question was based on a place in my woods, but there's like three paragraphs of just...the description of the forest
I have not changed a bit apparently xD
Some of the characters are actually kind of awesome
I mean they're all unrealistic as hell but I like themIt's funny because I felt sorta weirdly connected to them, like 'yes, these are definitely my characters' even though this was written at least fIVE HECKING YEARS AGO
I found a fricking Five Kingdoms reference in the second chapter oml
I forgot I've been in that fandom for so long
And there's just ??? nonsensical crap?? scribbled in the margins so I'm just ??? what are you talking about, Past Rush
Oh and get this:
The freaking villain's name is Thearnyc
*stammers confusedly for a few moments*
What the fuck, Past Rush. What...what is that. How do you say that. How did you remember how to spell it. Where the hell did you even come up with that. The fuck.
One of the characters was named Nowl and I am thoroughly disturbed by how similar to Skid he is
Not appearance-wise, but personality
(And Nowl is a lOT younger lol)
There was also a kingdom called Tyrellia and I distinctly remember my dad suggesting that name to me
There's also these...creature...things called Everences and I am SPOOKED because I'm using that name for something in Morality and I COMPLETELY FORGOT I'd ever used that name before
And all of the time Past Me spend explaining the world leads me to believe there is a map of this somewhere and I want to find it
Same goes for Thearnyc. She wasn't described physically in the story, but I found a lot of notes about her in the margins and she actually sounds like a fairly rad villain
And if at any point I did a sketch of her, I Am Going To Find It
I believe this story was going to be called Belief in Magic (super creative, 10/10), but if I remember right, I wasn't totally sure about the title.
It was basically about this girl who very firmly Did Not believe in magic who somehow manages to end up in a magical world and has to defeat this crazy villain if she's gonna go homeBasically every new-writer's fantasy story ever amiright
Also did I mention that I was reading throughthis at roughly 3:30 AM so it was all hilarious
My motivation levels have flatlined so that's fun
Peace, love, and murderous cats

I Talk Too Much
RandomWelcome, friends and fuckweasels, to Rush's fourth book of random yelling!! This is where I post all my tags, story ideas, rants, shower thoughts, life updates, and everything in-between. Warning: contains a lot of absurdly random nonsense that wil...