Next time in Forgotten Demons:
Logan tries to get Dawson to stop being a sad bean, Rush messes with the Dreamworld some more, and our Clarion girls try to sneak into Ri-Shung and meet some not-so-friendly people
Coming Tuesday
yes that's tomorrow leave me alone
Also I feel like I should tell you guys something about FD
I complain quite a bit about the lack of sleep I get, especially while working on a Forgotten Demons chapter
Several people now have told me that FD can wait, and that I should be taking care of my own needs first
But to be completely honest, I just can't
I've 'jokingly' said a few times that I haven't slept since September...and that's true. I haven't actually been rested since before I started Forgotten Demons
Why?? Because of the absurd amount of stress I put on myself because of this stupid story
I know you guys don't care that much about FD. You want updates, but you're willing to wait for them.
I, in the other hand, absolutely cannot rest if I know there's something I need to do and haven't done yetI can calm down a bit once I've completed a chapter, but the stress starts up again pretty soon
I'm not sure how to make this stop, so honestly I think the best thing to do is just power through this book and finish the trilogy as soon as I'm able
It will take me at least another year, I can almost guarantee that. And hey, maybe I'll find some way to chill the hell out before then
Oh! And another thing
I'm finishing Shattered Souls in around ten chapters, because I want to have the end up before June 29th, which is the one-year mark for that story
And then I think I'm going to post the sequel, Reflected Ruin, on MCSM's anniversary. That will give me most of the summer free to work on FD, StREL, and that fricking Aidesse story that I STILL DON'T HAVE A HECKING NAME FOR
*excessive dying noises*
Peace, love, and karma's a bitch am i right
~Rush and Rochelle

I Talk Too Much
RandomWelcome, friends and fuckweasels, to Rush's fourth book of random yelling!! This is where I post all my tags, story ideas, rants, shower thoughts, life updates, and everything in-between. Warning: contains a lot of absurdly random nonsense that wil...