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- M A C K E N Z I E -

We dumped all of our bags and suitcases in the back of a taxi and jumped in ourselves. I had to sit next to Johnny. Lauren, Darian and Maddie turned and looked at each other grinning. They did this on purpose. To be honest I don't mind that much because I don't know about my feelings towards Johnny. Me and Johnny laughed and talked all the way there. I think I might be falling for Johnny Orlando. We got to the villa within 10 minutes it wasn't that far from the airport, but I'm pretty sure the driver was going over the speed limit. Oh well.

We all ran to the villa. Well I say we all, Mum and Meredith walked Maddie, Darian and Laur ran and Johnny ran whilst giving me a piggyback. Yes, I am that lazy. There's 4 bedrooms, 2 on the right of the villa, 2 on the left of the villa and then a Lounge and Kitchen in the middle, with glass patio doors that lead you to a pool and grass area. Then if you carry on past the pool you are led to a private beach just for our villa. When I said our families claimed a lot of money from the tragic accident. I meant a LOT. Mum and Meredith have a bedroom each on the left side as the 2 rooms were the same size. Then on the right side, me, Lauren, Darian and Maddie had one bedroom and Johnny had the other, as one room is bigger than the other so the girls get the bigger one as 4 of us have to stay in one room and Johnny has the smaller one, I don't think he minds though to be honest.

We all walk to our rooms, me still on Johnny's back because I'm lazy. Johnny drops me off at my room and walks into his own room. I walk into Maddie, Darian and Lauren looking at me raising there eyebrows and trying not to laugh.

"What." I say trying not to laugh with them. I know what they're on about. Johnny.

"Got something to tell us." They say still trying not to laugh.

"Nope." I say popping the p on the end.

"Johnny?" They question wiggling their eyebrows at me. Now this is where I can't contain my laughter and burst out laughing.

"Maybe." I reply.

"MAYBE!?!? We knew it! You do don't you!" They shout for the whole of Greece to hear.

"I think, I don't know, Help me?" I say. They all grin and jump on me starting to tickle me. I start screaming and quickly manage to squirm away from their evil wrath. I run as fast as I possibly can, with the girls quickly catching up. When I reach the kitchen I realise Johnny standing there with a confused expression on his face.

"The. Girls. They're. Chasing. Me." I manage to get out between breaths.

"Why?" He questions.

"Uh - Erm - Um. Reasons. you. don't. need. to. know. Wow, I'm so unfit." I say laughing still out of breath. I then see the girls and start to sprint. Then I get a text from Johnny. I'm honestly so thankful for this text you don't understand.

Johnny⚡ -
I'll distract them for you, run to the beach and hide. x

Me🌹 -
Okayyyyyy, Thank you. x

I then sprint as quick as I can past the pool to the private beach and hide under a tree. I think I've lost them. At least for a while.

- J O H N N Y -

I'm standing in the kitchen looking for food when I hear a squeal. I assume it's just the girls messing about so I carry on my search for food. I'm so hungry. Then I hear footsteps and quickly turn around to see Kenzie standing their incredibly out of breath. I look at her with a confused expression on my face.

"The. Girls. They're. Chasing. Me." She manages to get out between breaths.

"Why?" I question.

"Uh - Erm - Um. Reasons. you. don't. need. to. know. Wow, I'm so unfit." She says laughing still out of breath. She really isn't unfit. She's perfect. Shut up Johnny. I wonder what these reasons are? Me maybe? Nahhh, Can't be.

I then quickly text Kenzie after she sprints off from the sound of the girls.

Me⚡ -
I'll distract them for you, run to the beach and hide. x

Kenz🌹 -
Okayyyyyy, Thank you. x

She replies immediately. Then Maddie, Darian and Lauren run past, so, I yell as loud as possible.


"WHAT!" They yell back.

"Where are you three going in such a rush." I Question.

"Chase Kenzie." They answer.


"Because we found something out so we are chasing her about it."

"Oh, alright." They go to run to the direction that Kenz ran in.

"She didn't go that way." I say.

"Where did she go then?"

"She's hiding in my room." I say to throw them off Kenz's trail. Knowing that the girls will come after me for lying to them I run in the direction I think Kenzie ran in then follow her footprints when I reach the beach. I reach a tree that Kenzie is sitting at.

"You aren't very good at hiding are you, Kenz?" I shout chuckling. Then I realise she's crying. I quickly run to her and sit by her side. It pains me to see her like this. I wrap my arms round her as she puts her head on my chest. Her cries are muffled against my chest.

"What's up?" I ask.

"I miss Dad and Dale." She sobs.

"I miss Them too, Baby girl." I reply, tears brimming my own eyes. Shit. I didn't mean say baby girl.

She looks up and smiles snuggling closer to my chest.

- M A C K E N Z I E -

Johnny comes and sit next to me under the tree where I was "Hiding". He wraps his arms around me as I put my head on his chest. My cries are muffled against his chest.

"What's up?" He asks.

"I miss Dad and Dale." I sob.

"I miss them too, Baby girl." He replies, tears brimming his own eyes.

I look up and smile snuggling closer to his chest. What he doesn't know is that I smiled because of the name he called me. I've fallen in love with Johnny Orlando.

[1083 Words]

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