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- M A C K E N Z I E -

It's been 3 months now since I got diagnosed with schizophrenia. I'm back to old Mackenzie. At home anyway. And dance and the recording studio. Everywhere else, I'm this panicked Mackenzie. I don't leave the house that much anymore because of paparazzi and fans. Me and Johnny have just released a song called 'what if', so  we're currently in the process of the music video. The director being the one and only, Nayip Ramos. He's like family to me now, after filming and directing all my other music videos. The only problem is with filming this video is there's going to be a lot of people. Meaning my anxiety will flare up. Mum drove us all to set. Me and Johnny were greeted by Nayip as soon as we walked in.

"Hey Johnny, my man." He says, giving Johnny a safe.

"Hey Kenz, how are you?" He asks pulling me in for a hug.

"I'm better, just anxious about all the people watching." I say.

"Don't worry, I've made it so we've got barely any people. I've dropped as many as possible." He says.

"Thank you!" I say, although I'm still nervous.

Me and Johnny were lead into our separate dressing rooms. We didn't have to share one, as he has his own next door. I sit in a chair, facing a mirror. You know, the ones with the light bulbs around the edge. Yeah one of them. I make Maddie do my make up as I refuse to let anyone else do it. Lauren helps too. Darian is with Johnny in his dressing room, as he gets ready.

"Hey guys, will you take an Instagram picture for me?" I ask.

"Yeah!" They both say, excitedly. I stand against the plain whitish wall as they both take it in turns to take photos. I choose one and upload it to instagram.

💚 - Laurenorlando88, Maddieziegler and 373,945 others

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💚 - Laurenorlando88, Maddieziegler and 373,945 others.

Tagged - Darianorlando, Johnnyorlando, Laurenorlando88, Maddieziegler, Melisagisoni, Merorlando and Nayipramos

Kenzie On set😉

Laurenorlando88 Beautifullllll!!!😍
Kenzie It's all you😙

Maddieziegler My favourite sister😊
Kenzie I'm your only sister, but your my favourite sister too😃
Maddieziegler oh well, love you💞

Darianorlando Gorgeous😊Johnny's impressed😉
Kenzie Not as gorgeous as you tho😙
Darianorlando Sureeeeeee😁

Melissagisoni My pretty little baby😆
Kenzie Get it from you😊

Merorlando My favourite face😄
Kenzie Love you!😊

Johnnyorlando You cute or whateva😉🌹
Kenzie you know it!😆💘🌹

Nadiaturner omg your so gorg😄I miss you!
Kenzie Says you😆I miss you too!

Rubyroseturner Model material😙Hope your having a good time😄I miss you!
Kenzie My little babyyy😄I'm having an amazing time😆I miss you too!

Maddieorlando you're actually so pretty it's unreal😙 and is everyone just gonna ignore Johnny's comment😉
Kenzie Not as pretty as you tho😊
Laurenorlando88 Maddie you have a good point😑 @johnnyorlando
Merorlando Leave the lad alone☺He's pulling😆
Johnnyorlando Thanks mum!😶
Kenzie MERRRRR!😶
Nadiaturner You get em @johnnyorlando😆
Kenzie Nads I really do love you😄but pipe down😂

We never told my fans about my 'accident' as we couldn't explain to them why it happened else it would mean bringing up my 'relationship' with John, the only other people that know are Nadia and Ruby. Since that night Johnny stayed in my bed with me, he has done the same every night, meaning my insomnia is practically gone. Some nights I still lie awake, but Johnny lies awake with me, to keep me company. But not telling my fans about my accident means, I still have to release songs and dance videos, so, which is difficult, but it has helped to boost my confidence back up loads and has helped a lot with my social anxiety. After Maddie and Lauren slightly curl my hair, I change into the white lacey dress I have to wear. I walk out of my dressing room, and bump straight into a hard chest.

"S-s-sorry." I say, stuttering out an apology, panicking. My breathing starts to go heavy and my vision blurs. All the sounds around me, became muffled. I was having a panic attack. I hear faint voices that sound like they're coming from a distance.

"Kenz? Kenz? What's wrong?" I hear a male voice say. Johnny maybe?

"She's having a panic attack." I hear a female voice explain. Maybe Maddie.

"I know that." I hear the male voice snap. I think it's Johnny.

"Why'd you ask then." A different female voice snaps back. Lauren?

"I was making sure it wasn't something else." He says, in a 'duh' tone. It's definitely Johnny.

"Yeah well stop arguing and give her a bottle of water." Another female voice says. Maybe Darian. A strong hand passes a bottle of water to me. I grab it with my shaking hands, downing the full bottle in one. My vision goes back to normal, my breathing calms down and I can hear everyone clearly. I'm greeted by Lauren, Maddie, Darian and Johnny. Johnny is wearing a leather jacket, a black with white stripes shirt and black ripped jeans. He looks fit.

"Who looks fit?" Lauren says, snapping me out of my thoughts. My cheeks burn bright red.

"Uh, um, no one." I say lying, as Johnny winks at me knowing I was on about him.

It was a couple of hours later and we'd wrapped the video. I'm anxious of how our fans will react as I was really a touchy feely video. Plus we kissed at the end, so I mean. I really like how it turned out as it's got a Romeo and Juliet vibe to it, with the fish tank scene and my 'father' setting me up with some boy, but he hates the real boy I love so we have to keep it a secret. It's really cute not gonna lie. I'm currently, sitting in my dressing room removing my make up, as Johnny lies on the floor. Yeah, don't ask. Lauren and Maddie are spread out on the sofa that's in there and Darian's I don't know where. I'm still in my dress but I've got Johnny's jacket over the top, as it's pretty chilly. After I've removed all my makeup, we head to the car and head home. As soon as we get home, me and Johnny get straight in bed as it's been a long day for us. We change first, obviously. Johnny changes into just some grey sweats and hands me one of his oversized t-shirts, which practically buries me as I'm a midget. The girls and Mum's sit in the living room watching a movie. Lilo and stitch I think. Anyways, me and Johnny quickly drift to sleep after the long day, we've had. John pulling me closer to him as he sleeps. Cute.

[1167 words]

Shitty ending!

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