- 7 - | Photos + Bikinis

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- M A C K E N Z I E -

As Mum, Mer, Maddie, Darian and Lauren were already out by the pool me and Johnny ran back to our rooms to change. Obviously Johnny had changed quickly into a pair of Ralph Lauren swim shorts as that was the only swim wear he had. He barged into my room as I was still deciding between my bikinis. I didn't know what he was doing until he wrapped his arms around my shoulders, my whole body tensed up at his touch but instantly untensed when I realised who it was.

"I'm going down now, you coming baby girl?" Johnny asked. My cheeks heating up, I'm so glad he can't see my face.

"Yeah when I've decided on a bathing suit." I reply.

"You take forever." He chuckles.

"Send Lauren, Darian and Maddie to me, please." I say.

"Okay I'll send them to you now." He says and starts walking towards the door. 2 minutes later Lauren, Darian and Maddie storm into my room.

"Hello?" They all question.

"Can you help me pick a bathing suit?"

"To impress John?" They all giggle, causing my cheeks to flush a deep pink.

"N-no," I quickly stutter.

"Well that's what's gonna happen anyways." Lauren says.

Lauren, Darian and Maddie throw a burgundy bikini at me and tell me to change while clicking their fingers. I walked out and they all wolf whistled gaining a giggle from me. I put on a purple shirt from my merch that was tie dye and said mackenzie ziegler, then tied it up to make it slightly cropped. I then slipped on my velvet shorts (|Look at chapter 4|), slipped on my Pink slides (|Also look at chapter 4|) and put my Blue ray ban sunglasses (|You guessed it, look at chapter 4|) on my head after tying my hair up into a messy bun.

We all walk to the pool by the patio and I watch Johnny's eyes scan all over my body.

"Johnny Vincent Orlando, keep your eyes to yourself." Mer shouts to Johnny while slightly giggling at her son's actions. Shit, she noticed too.

"Mummmmm! Shut upppppp!" Johnny shouts embarrassed.

"Awhhhh, Johnny, as much as I love you keep your eyes off my daughter." Mum says jokely. Once again my cheeks flushed deep pink.

"Sorry Mel, but don't produce such a beautiful daughter and maybe I won't." Johnny chuckles. He didn't mean that. Surely. Mum and Mer's eyes widen at what he said.

"Go get em Johnny." My mum shouts, encouraging him. ENCOURAGING him.

"MUM!" I shout in surprise.

"What? He'd make a lovely son in law." My mum exclaims. Johnny doesn't even like me like that never mind want to marry me.

"God mum, calm down." Maddie says.

"Yeah Mel has a good point. GO GET EM JOHNNY!" Mer shouts also ENCOURAGING him.

"MER! Don't encourage him." I say also in surprise.

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