- 14 - | Blankets + Charms

830 16 4

- M A C K E N Z I E -

I get to the room and sit on my bed on my phone. Then a piece of paper gets slipped under the door. I run over and grab it. It says "Change into the pile of clothes and accessories on the side, then get ready as if your going on on a date. Walk down to the beach at 7 - xx". Weird, but I do as the note says. I change into the dress, curl my hair, put on light make up then slip on my vans, necklace and the new bracelet. I look at my phone, 6:55 pm. I quickly tell the girls I'm leaving and run down to the beach.

I don't exactly know where I'm going, until I see a blanket it on the sandy floor, a picnic basket and who I think is Johnny. I slowly approach the blanket.

"Johnny?" I ask, unsure if it's him as I'm standing behind him.

"Yeah. Kenz?" He says back.

"What's going on?" I ask again.

"Well this is kinda me um taking you on a date." He says. Wait what.

"I thought the girls didn't allow it?" I say it coming out as a question.

"Sit down and I'll explain everything." He says softly. I take a seat next to him on the blanket.

"Okay." I answer.

"The girls approved first time round when I asked. We took so long because we were getting this ready for you. The argument when you turned up was a cover up so you didn't know about the date. Do you like it? The date I mean." He says nervously.

"Yeah! I love it." I say practically jumping on him to hug him.

"Good. I'm glad you do" he says back grinning.

"Thank you." I say back, gratefully.

"Do you like the bracelet?" He asks.

"Yeah, did you get it?" I ask. Amazed.

"Um yeah I did, each charm represents something different. A ballerina because you dance, a rose because it's your favourite flower, a microphone because you sing, a camera because you vlog, like photography, instagram and YouTube, a pearl because it's your birthstone, a dog because of Maliboo and it's your favourite animal, a plane because you travel a lot, a K for Kenzie, an M for Mackenzie, an F for Frances, a Z for Ziegler and a lightning bolt because it's from me."

"Thank you, Johnny. I love it." I practically scream at him.

"Do you want to eat now?" He asks.

"Yep." I answer, popping the 'p'.

"Okay." He answers. He starts to pull out a variation of food. All my favourite food. Of course I go for the pizza first. After we've eaten all the food, it starts to get cold. Johnny pulls a tan coloured hoodie which says Orlando across the chest and has roses on the sleeves. He passes it me, knowing I'm cold.

"Thank you." I say and slip the hoodie on.

"I know it's cold and quite late but do you want to get ice cream." He asks. God I love this boy. Wait shhhh Kenzie.

"Okay." I say extremely excited. That excited I jump up.

"Okay, let's go." He says gripping my hand. I accept it immediately.

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