- 8 - | Foods + Apologies

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- M A C K E N Z I E -

The smell of food woke me up from my nap. Of course. If you knew me at all you'd know I love food. Johnny stood there chuckling as he'd noticed I'd woke up due to the smell of food. How embarrassing. Oh well. He's my best friend. He won't judge me.

"Of course you'd wake up at the smell of food." Johnny chuckled.

"What do you expect, it's my best friend." I reply.

"I thought I was your best friend?" He says pretending to look hurt.

"Oh yeah, alright then your my number 1 best friend and foods my number 2 best friend. Well you and Laur are my number 1 best friends." I don't know why but it pained me to call him my best friend. I wanted him to be more than that, but it wouldn't work like that, it couldn't, like I said we were just best friends and that's the most we'll ever be. Sadly.

- J O H N N Y -

Kenzie woke up due to the smell of food. She loves food like a family member I swear.

"Of course you'd wake up at the smell of food." I say chuckling.

"What do you expect, it's my best friend." She replies.

"I thought I was your best friend?" I say pretending to look hurt.

"Oh yeah, alright then your my number 1 best friend and food's my number 2 best friend. Well you and Laur are my number 1 best friends." I don't know why but it pained me to hear that she only thought of me as a best friend. That's all we'll ever be, best friends and nothing more.

Me, Laur and Kenz decided to go shopping. Well actually Laur and Kenz decided to go shopping, then decided to drag me along. The day wasn't too bad, I'd bought a few things from the Vans store for myself. When Maddie came to pick us up she decided to take a photo and sent it to me. I posted it on instagram as I hadn't posted in a while. I tagged Lauren and Kenz then uploaded it.

💚 Liked by Kenzie,Laurenorlando88 and379,976 others

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💚 Liked by Kenzie,
Laurenorlando88 and
379,976 others

Johnnyorlando Shopping with
my two favourite gals😴(sarcasm😂)
@Kenzie @Laurenorlando88 Love yas really but next time carry your own bag😂

Kenzie I prefer you carrying

Laurenorlando88 ^^^ Yeah me
too😂 @Kenzie

Johnnyorlando Nope you can carry your own bags😂 @Kenzie

Kenzie Anyways the Vans bag
was yours @Johnnyorlando😂

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