- 21 - | Starbucks + Facetimes

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In part 14, where Johnny's ex serves them ice cream, I've changed his ex from Nadia to someone else because I've decided I want Nads and Kenz to be best friends, so Johnny and Nadia have never dated and there has never been any feelings there either.

- M A C K E N Z I E -

We walk in at 08:59. Just on time. We start off by warming up by doing improv to 'I like it' by Cardi B. After the warm up, I taught Maddie and Lauren the 'Teamwork' dance and the 'Breathe' dance. With bits of help from Rumer along the way. Johnny even joined in the 'teamwork' dance half way through too. He filmed the 'breathe' dance on mine, his and Lauren's cameras, then set them up, so we were still in view whilst he joined in. Overall, helping them learn the dances took 3 hours. We left the studio at 11:06. We all jumped in the car, me calling shotgun again, although Johnny offers to drive Maddie's car. She was hesitant at first but quickly agreed when she decided she was too tired to drive back. Johnny joined me in the front as Maddie joined Darian and Lauren in the back.

"Why do I have to sit in the middle? It's so uncomfortable. I'm always in the middle. It's so unfair." Lauren whined.

"Awh Laur, your the smallest, that's why." I say, trying to sound sincere and not laugh.

"Shut up whining, Lauren" Johnny said getting irritated.

"Johnny!" I warn. Him instantly calming down when I put my hand on his thigh. Johnny starts driving the opposite way to the way home.

"Um, Johnny this isn't the way home?" I say, slightly concerned.

"I know but it's the way to Starbucks." He says, smirking.

"SERIOUSLY!" Me and Lauren squeal getting slightly way too excited over Starbucks. Yup, that's us.

"My eardrums." Darian and Maddie complain after Lauren screamed down their ears. Johnny drives to join the queue for the drive thru.

"Right, Kenz and Laur, you want a pink drink right? Maddie and Darian what'd you want?" Johnny asks.

"Right!" Me and Laur both agree.

"Can I have a red velvet frappucino, please?" Mads asked. (Yes that is is a real thing.)

"Yeah, sure, Darian?" John asks.

"Um can I get a chocolate chip frappucino?" Darian questions.

"Yep, that's fine." Johnny answers. We pull up to the voice thing, where you place your orders.

"Hi, can I take your order?" The person speaking ask.

"Um yes, can we have 2 pink drinks, a red velvet frappucino, a chocolate chip frappucino and a ultra caramel cappuccino?" Johnny says.

"Yeah sure, what sizes?" The barista asked.

"Um, ventis for all of them please."

"Please drive through to the collection window." Johnny drove through, payed and grabbed the drinks. He handed them all out and we drove back to my house. We've all decided to stay at ours as it's more convenient. Mer is staying in one spare room, Darian is staying in Maddie's room and Lauren and Johnny switch between my room and the other spare room. We all sit in my room and watch Netflix for a bit, until Johnny gets a text.

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