- 11 - | Questions + Feelings

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- M A C K E N Z I E -

"John." I ask.

"Yeah." He answers.

"What are we?" I ask. It just coming out.

"Um - erm, I don't really know." He answers unsure.

"Okay, easier question but I want the truth and only the truth." I say.

"Okay." He replies.

"How do you feel towards me, like do you have feelings or do you think of me as one of your flings?" I ask, it coming out quieter than I thought it would and nearly a whisper.

"Kenz, If you want the truth the truth is what you'll get okay? As long as I get the truth back." He says.

"Okay." I reply.

"Kenz, the truth is I like you, alot. And I have since we were young but the feelings kinda disappeared not completely because they werent exactly there but they weren't exactly gone. And Lauren and Darian asked me last summer how I felt about you on the flight home and I told them. But Lauren and Darian wouldn't let me date you because they thought I would break your heart after a month. And I said I wouldn't but they weren't sure, so they said I had to prove myself and to do that I wasn't allowed to date a girl or get laid until this summer and they said they'd decide then. And that's the reason why I haven't dated or got laid. That's also the reason why me and Sophia broke up as soon as I had signal I broke up with over text. And since I've been around you my feelings have just gotten stronger. It's alright if you don't feel the same though." He says and I can tell he wasn't lying. He did this all for me. And I'm actually so happy. He feels the same way as me. This is amazing. A grin tries and find its way to my face but a keep a straight face

"Can I ask you some questions before I tell you how I feel, please." I ask.

"Yeah go ahead." He says.

"Did Maddie know?" I ask.

"Which one?" He asks back.

"Oh, um both?" I say it coming out as a question.

"Yeah they both knew." He answers truthfully.

"Oh, you know you didn't have to break up with Sophia." I say.

"I did though to prove myself to Lauren, Darian, Maddie and Maddie." He says.

"Oh. Is that why they always say Jenzie?" I ask, curious.

"I don't really know to be honest, probably." He says.

"Oh, did mum and Mer know too?"

"I don't know, probably I mean them 4 can't keep a secret I'm surprised they didn't tell you."

"Yeah good point." I say slightly laughing.

"So can I ask you a question now?" He says.

"Um yeah sure." I say unconfidently.

"How do you feel then, like towards me?"

"I like you. Alot. And I have since we were young and like you said, because we hadn't seen each other in a while they kinda disappeared, but not completely. Then we came back this summer so yeah I have feelings for you too." I did it. I admitted my feelings without having a breakdown.

"That's amazing." He shouts. A grin spreading across his face.

"I know." I shout back.

"I was so nervous to tell you and then I thought Lauren wouldn't let me tell you and then I didn-" once again I cut him off by leaning forward pressing our lips together. His soft lips against mine just caused a spark and it felt right. Then he pulls away. I raise an eyebrow at him confused.

"Your perfect. Literally." He says causing me to grin stupidly. We go back to watching the movie as if nothing ever happened.

"What exactly did the 4 girls say about you dating me?" I ask as it was on my mind.

"Well Lauren said something like 'Well I'm not letting you date her because John your the schools fuckboy, I'm not letting you date my best friend for a month and then you leave her completely heart broken, Kenz gets attached to people quite quickly and easily, so it's not happening. Unless you can prove yourself to me and not have a girlfriend or get laid until next summer. If you fail you aren't dating Mackenzie, if you succeed I'll let you date her. But break her heart and I won't speak to you again, Johnny and I mean it. Change your ways or change your feelings. Your choice.' And Darian said 'I'm sorry John. But I gotta agree with Laur on this one, Bro. Kenz is like my second little sister and I'm not letting my brother fuck her up and mess her about. Family or not I'll pick Kenz over you if you break her heart. Like Lauren says, Change your ways or change your feelings, I know the better option, let's hope for everyone's sake you know too.' And luckily I knew the better option; change my ways which is what I did."

"Oh, what did Maddie have to say?" I ask still curious.

"Well your Maddie said that she basically agreed and if I broke your heart she'd kill me and shit and my Maddie said the same to be honest. Also Maddie (orlando), Lauren and Darian said they would disown me as a brother."

"You need to speak to them. Like I'll leave you with them and you can facetime Maddie so all of you can sort it out, because I wanna date you and if they disagree you can't take me on a date." I say, slightly giggling at how confident I was.

"Okay, I'll speak to them tomorrow while you take Bentley, Leo and Maliboo for a walk or something and if they disagree I'll call you then you've got to come and announce your undying love to me to convince them." He says chuckling.

"I wouldn't call it undying love but I'll come and help convince them with you." I say giggling. For the 3rd time this holiday I fall asleep in his arms.

[1021 words]

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