- 23 - | Hospitals + Recoveries

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💫| Hey guys, Ima disappear for a couple of days, but when I get back there's gonna be quite a few chapters |💫

- L A U R E N -

"Quick, it's Kenzie." Mel says looking worried. We all quickly jump up and rush after Mum and Mel. We walk into the room Kenz is in and she's awake. Thank god. I rush to her and go to hug her but she flinched away, looking anxious. Oh. This broke me. Tears started to try and slip from my eyes. I squeezed them shut to stop them. I've got to stay strong for Kenz. The doctor walked into her room. John wasn't in yet as he was worried about how she'd react.

"There's good news and bad news." The doctor said.

"Oh God." Me and Maddie say at the same time, whilst holding each other.

"Her head injury hasn't triggered amnesia, as you may have assumed." The doctor says.

"What was the flinching about?" I ask.

"Well, it may not have triggered amnesia but it has triggered, Insomnia, social anxiety depression, some sort of fear of touch and she won't speak as much, there is a chance she could become mute." The doctor explains, looking sorrowful.

"Oh." I say.

"If you explain who you are and everything, she should relax and will be fine." He also explains.

"Okay." I reply and walk over to her.

"Hey, Kenz." I say.

"H-hey." She says back looking worried.

"It's alright, it's me Lauren, I'm gonna protect you at all costs. Can I have a hug?" She nods, signalling yes. I hug her, she tenses at first, but soon relaxes.

"I love you, Lolo." She says.

"Good, because I'm getting in bed with you." I say, getting a chuckle out of her. Maddie speaks next.

"Hey, it's Maddie, your fave and only sister, I'm going to protect you and be here for you no matter what. Now give me a hug?" She says. Kenz nods again, Maddie hugs her but she doesn't tense up, she's perfectly fine. Thank God.

"I love you Mads." She says to Maddie, similar to how she did with me. Maddie jumped into bed with us. Kenz in between us. The doctor is going to go out to John and Darian, explain everything then they'll come in.

- J O H N N Y -

Me and Darian were waiting outside preparing ourselves for the worst. Then the doctor walks out.

"There's good news and bad news." The doctor said.

"Okay." I say, practically hyperventilating.

"Her head injury hasn't caused amnesia, as you may have assumed." The doctor says.

"Oh, is there anything we should be worried about when going into her?" I ask

"Well, it may not have caused amnesia but it has triggered, Insomnia, social anxiety depression, some sort of fear of touch and she won't speak as much, there is a chance she could become mute." The doctor explains, looking sorrowful.

"Oh." I say.

"That means that she flinches when uou first go to touch her so if you explain who you are and everything, she should relax and will be fine." He also explains.

"Okay." I say.

"You ready?" Darian asks.

"Yeah. I think." I answer, my hands trembling. I walk in to find Kenz, Lauren and Maddie sitting in her bed. Kenz in the middle. We both freeze. I see her tense up.

"Hey, hey, hey, Kenz, calm down, it's only John and Darren." Lauren says in a calm, soothing voice. Kenz relaxes a little.

"I'll go first." Darian says awkwardly. I nod in response.

"Hey Kenz, it's me Darian, you know, your 'extra' big sister, I'm gonna make sure you're okay, no matter what and John will do the same don't worry." She says, Kenz smiles slightly as Darian goes into a hug. She was relaxed. Now it's me.

"Hey kz. It's me Johnny, obviously um I'm not gonna hurt you, that's the last thing I'd want to do and I'll protect you through everything, Don't worry and um I hope you get better soon, which erm you will do since you've got me, Laur, Darian, Maddie, Mummy Mer and Mummy Mel helping you, to overcome everything. I understand if you can't go on tour because of your Social anxiety so I'm sure we can um, cancel that and maybe try again. When your back to being mckenzis. I really hope this doesn't effect your singing and dancing as your amazing at both. So um yeah." I say, panicking kind of. She smiles at the use of her nickname, kz. Lauren and Maddie are both mouthing 'hug her' at me.

"Can I give you a hug?" I ask, nervously.

"Yeah, um sure." She says looking hesitant. As I hug her she tenses for the first couple of seconds then relaxes into the hug.

"Thank you, jv." She says, using my nickname that matches hers. Mine should technically be jo as in Johnny Orlando but jv for Johnny Vincent sounds better. I'm glad we've got her back.

[832 words]

Short chapter!
The last two have been long though, so they kinda make up for it!

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