- 9 - | Thoughts + Lies

874 21 2

- M A C K E N Z I E -

I walked back in the room, pretty sure I'm still blushing. Oh well. Although the girls will notice. Oh no.

"What happened?" The 3 shouted as I walked in.

"Nothing." I say. Lying. They don't need to know what happened. They'll probably find out anyway.

"It did, because your still blushing from whatever happened." Maddie giggled.

"Yeah Maddie has a point, what happened?" Lauren says also giggling.

"Nothingggggg." I say stretching out the g at the end.

"Mackenzie, we'll do what we did last time." Darian says, slightly giggling. Oh no. I start running. I don't run very far. I run straight to Johnny's room as that's the first place I think to go. I run in and shut the door and push his bed to the door. I hear the shower running meaning he must be showering. I sat on his bed and scrolled through instagram while I waited. He walked out with just a towel round his waist. My eyes automatically scanning over his body as he leans against the door frame watching me. Shit. He's watching me.

"Finished checking me out yet, Ziegler?" He says, a smirk on his face.

"Uh what I wasn't I swear." I say all my words mixing together as I was lying. This always happens when I lie. And Johnny is the main person that knows that. Oh no. He just raises an eyebrow at me because he knows I'm lying.

"Hey, in my defence you always do it to me." I say and shrug at him. He just winks and grabs a hoodie and light blue ripped jeans, then walks into the bathroom to change. A few minutes later he walks back out. Wow that was quick, and he still looks hot. Wait what. Be quiet Mackenzie.

"Thanks, Kenz." He says slightly blushing. Awh how cute.

"Shit did I say the hot thing out loud?" I say me face heating up from embarrassment.

"You mean 'wow that was quick and he still looks hot. Wait what. Be quiet Mackenzie.' Then yeah you did." He says slightly chuckling.

"Shit." I say blushing.

"By the way Ziegler, you look cute when you blush too." He says chuckling.

"Did I say that out loud too?" I say slightly giggling now.

"If you mean 'Awh how cute' when I blushed then yeah you said that too." He says.

"Fuck my life." I mutter under my breath. But Johnny heard. I must speak really loud.

"I'd prefer fuck you not your life but okay." He says with a mischievous look in his eye.

"Calm down Johnny." I say laughing, someone hasn't gotten laid in a while. Me on the other hand was still a virgin. Yeah I know.

"What!" He says putting his hands up in defense.

"Someone clearly hasn't gotten laid in a while." I say laughing now.

"I've changed my ways now Kenz, I'm no longer the schools fuckboy. The last girlfriend I had was Sophia. And that was over a year ago." He says matter of factly. Wow, I'm actually proud to be honest.

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