- 28 - | Fights + Plans

532 13 0

⚽|By football I mean 'soccer' not American football|⚽

- M A C K E N Z I E -

"So, were you really the captain of the football team at school?" Johnny asks, as we share a bowl of popcorn, as we watch a movie in our room. Me and Johnny on our bed and Lauren and Maddie on Maddie's bed. Darian was out with Maddie (Orlando).

"Yeah, the boys." I say, throwing a piece of popcorn up in the air, then catching it in my mouth.

"You were the captain of the boys football team." He says in disbelief.

"Yep." I say.

"Maddie?" He questions.

"Yep, at school she was practically one of the boys." Maddie responds.

"You were?" He asks me.

"Yep." I respond again.

"How tho?" He asks.

"All my mates were boys, the boys on the football team to be exact, I always wore some kind of 'boyish' outfit to school and only had one friend that was a girl, Brynn." I say.

"And she always got into fights." Maddie adds.

"Really?" He asks.

"Yeah." I say kinda embarrassed.

"What about Nadia and Ruby?" He asks.

"What'd you mean?" I reply.

"You said the only friend you had that was a girl was Brynn." He says, confused.

"Yeah, Brynn was my best friend, Nadia and Ruby were only my friends and they weren't part of my friendship group." I explain.

"Oh. Fights, huh?" He says.

"Yeah, quite a few." I say.

"She got suspended everytime and nearly got permanently expelled." Maddie says.

"Really?" He asks

"Yeah." I say.

"How come?"

"They provoked me." I said.

"Oh, we're these fights with girls or boys?" He asks.

"Both." I reply.

"Oh. Remind me to not mess with you." He says.

"Will do." I say, laughing at his worried face.

"Boys team?" He questions.

"Yeah, there wasn't a girls one." I explain.

"Makes sense." He says.

"She's really good, you know." Maddie adds.

"I aren't that good." I say trying to be humble.

"You were captain of the boys team for 3 or 4 years straight. I think them statistics say different." Maddie says.

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