- 5 - | Dogs + Tans

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- M A C K E N Z I E -

As soon as we reach the beach we take the dogs off of their leads and let them run around. Me and the girls all lay our towels on the sand and take our shorts off, put on suncream and start tanning. Johnny was playing around with the football with all 3 dogs. Got to admit he looked pretty cute. Be quiet mackenzie. Then I feel a ball hit my head.

"JOHNNY!" I scream.

"Yes, Kenz." Johnny replies with a mischievous look in his eyes.

"Your so dead!" I shout.

"No I'm not, wanna play football?" He asks.

"Yeah sure, girls come on." I say. The girls all share a look. Again.

"Nahhh, we're all right, we're sure you'll be fine with Johnny." They all reply. Johnny ran off with the ball and I quickly chased after him before tackling the ball from him and running in the opposite direction with the ball.

"You're good Ziegler." Johnny shouts surprised, unable to get the ball back off me.

"I should hope so after being the team captain of the girls football team for 3 years at school before starting home schooling." It was true, before my mum enrolled me in home schooling I was team captain for 3 years straight.

"Really?" Johnny asks Maddie.

"Yep." Maddie says popping the 'p'.

"So you can dance, sing and play football?" Johnny asks me.

"Yep." I say popping the 'p' like Maddie did.

"I knew she was perfect." Johnny muttered under his breath. I don't think I was supposed to hear that. Oops. Oh well. I'll just ignore it. Maddie heard it though. Oh no.

"What was that Orlando?" Maddie says to Johnny, raising her eyebrows and slightly smirking.

"N-nothing." Johnny manages to stutter out. His cheeks tinting deep red. He's so cute when he's embarrassed. Shut up Kenzie. Too get rid of the awkwardness I passed the ball to Johnny and we were soon back to playing football. Thank God for that.

It was a couple hours later and me and Johnny were now playing fetch with the dogs and Lauren, Darian and Maddie had fallen asleep. Typical. I was beginning to become tired so I went back to tanning next to the girls. The girls had woken up now and we're messing about with the dogs. I was dozing off into a light sleep when I felt two strong hands grab my waist and lift me up bridal style. I looked down to see who was carrying me and of course it was Johnny. I then went into a fit of giggles and couldn't stop laughing, causing Johnny to laugh too. His laugh was so cute. Then Johnny threw me into the sea making me soaking wet and ran off. That boy. I'm gonna kill him.

"JOHNNY!" I scream at the top of my lungs. Quickly chasing after him. I caught up and tackled him to the floor. For the third time this trip. He then started to chase me. So I ran to the sea and stopped so he stopped too and I grabbed his wrist and dragged him into the sea and ran off.

"KENZ!" Johnny shouted jokely, and came running after me again. It quickly turned into a game of tag. Yes we are that immature. After a while we got a call from our mums asking us to come back, so we packed up all our stuff, put the leads back on the dogs and started to walk back. As I had predicted it had gotten cold so I pulled Johnny's hoodie out of my bag and slipped it on.

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