- 16 - | Shouts + Mornings

781 16 0

- M A C K E N Z I E -

We wake up to Mum and Mer shouting. Oh god.

"KIDS WAKE UP!" They both shout at the same time.

"DO WE HAVE TO!" We all shout back.


"OKAY, WE'RE COMING!" We all shout back. I pick my phone up of my nightstand to check the time. 04:27. You've got to be kidding me, seriously. I jump out of bed, wrap my dressing gown around me and walk to the lounge with Johnny, as the girls are taking ages to move. Me and Johnny sit down on the sofa next to each other. I slowly start to fall asleep on Johnny's shoulder, then feel an arm wrap around my waist causing me to smile.

- J O H N N Y -

I walk to the lounge with Kenzie whilst the girls get out of bed. We sit down on the sofa next to each other. Slowly, Kenzie started to fall asleep on my shoulder, so I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her closer. I looked down and she was smiling.
*20 minutes later*
The rest of the girls walked into the lounge so I slowly started to wake Kenz so we could find out what mum and Mel wanted.

- M A C K E N Z I E -

I woke up to Johnny slighter shaking my shoulder and the faint voices of the girls.

"Awhhhhh." All the girls including Mum and Mer whispered.

"Ughhhh, Mum, Mer, why did you want us up so early." I asked.

"Well, we're going back to LA early." Mum and Mer said beaming.

"What! Why?" Me, Johnny, Maddie, Lauren and Darian asked all at once.

"So Kenz and John can go on tour, so we need go back to plan choreography and routines and dates and everything else." Mum and Mer both say.

"Okay!" We all near enough screamed back, full of excitement.

"Go pack! We need leave for the airport at 9! You've got four hours sort your shit out!" Mer said.

"Okay." We all chirped back.

"Okay? Go then! Shoo!" Mum says laughing, shooing us off.

We all walked back to our rooms to pack. Johnny dragged his suitcase and all his crap into the girls room so he didn't have to pack on his own. We put music on so it wasn't so silent. Mine and Maddie's new favourite song came on. Genius by Sia. Me and Maddie jumped on the beds singing and dancing whilst Johnny, Lauren and Darian filmed us.

"Baby, baby can't you see-e-e, dot the i's and cross the tee-e-e's, only a Genius could love a women like me!" Me and Maddie sang as loud as possible.

When the song finished we jumped off the beds and carried on packing. When we'd finished we lugged our suitcases down to the lounge ready to take and leave. I checked my phone. 5:46. We're not leaving until 9.

"Let's go down to the beach because when we get to LA well be stuck inside most of the time, so let's go enjoy the sun." I suggest.

"Yeah, okay." Johnny and Lauren answer.

"What about swim suits?" Maddie asks.

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