- 22 - | Regrets + Misunderstandings

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- M A C K E N Z I E -

To Johnny's dismay I turned on my one direction playlist and sang along all the way back. Until, 'They don't know about us' , comes on.

"This song is like us." Johnny says.

"Oh yeah, it is. That's it. I've called it." I say.

"Called what?" Johnny questions.

"This is now our song." I state.

"Okay, fine by me." Johnny says. He drove into my home's drive and we both stepped out of the car. Mads, Laur and Darian weren't back yet, so me and Johnny had the house to ourselves. We were watching Netflix in my room until, Johnny's phone lit up. Someone was calling him from an unknown number. Johnny answered the phone.

"Hello?" He said, putting it on speaker.

"Hey, baby I miss you, please come back to me. I know you still love me. You should've never have dumped me for that slut. Mackenna? Mackayla? Mackenzie! God she even sounds like a bitch." I hear someone say. God I recognise that voice. Sophia. Johnny froze. I broke down. My first initial reaction was to run. And that's what I did. I ran, until I couldn't run any more. Lauren, Maddie and Darian drove into the drive as I was running out of the house. I didn't even think of wearing shoes. I didn't know where I was running. Johnny followed me, shouting my name. Lauren, Maddie and Darian did too. I still carried on though. I didn't care. I just wanted to be away from him. Them. Everyone. The only person I couldn't run from was myself. My feet were extremely bloody. I'd managed to run into a bad neighbourhood. Broken glass on the floor, uneven pavement. They still followed though. It's not like they cared. Why would they. I'm me. Fat. Ugly. Pathetic. Bitchy. Problematic. Useless. Worthless. Unloved. Stupid. Foolish. Selfish. Naive. Annoying. Irritating. Gullible. Nerdy. Boring. Weak. Lame. Weird. Nothing. I'm absolutely nothing. No one would care if I'm gone. I turned around to check if they were still following me. Yep. Why though? Then I tripped on something. At least I think I did. All I felt was a blow to my head as I hit the floor. Then everything went dark.

- J O H N N Y -

To my dismay Kenz turned on her one direction playlist and sang along all the way back. Until, 'They don't know about us' , comes on.

"This song is like us." I say.

"Oh yeah, it is. That's it. I've called it." She says.

"Called what?" I question.

"This is now our song." She states.

"Okay, fine by me." I say. I drove into her home's drive and we both stepped out of the car. Mads, Laur and Darian weren't back yet, so me and Kenz had the house to ourselves. We were watching Netflix in her room until, my phone lit up. Someone was calling me from an unknown number. I answered the phone.

"Hello?" I said, putting it on speaker.

"Hey, baby I miss you, please come back to me. I know you still love me. You should've never dumped me for that slut. Mackenna? Mackayla? Mackenzie! God she even sounds like a bitch." I hear someone say. Sophia. I froze. I didn't know how to react. Obviously I didn't have feelings for her anymore. After we broke up we never spoke again. It's been around 18 months. Why's she calling now. I was too absorbed in my own thoughts to notice Kenz go. Shit. Kenz has gone. And she's running. Sprinting even. I go running after her, unable to catchup. I keep shouting her name. She continues to ignore me. Lauren, Darian and Maddie, are also chasing after her. She's leaving a trail of blood as her feet are bleeding because she didn't think to wear shoes. She manged to run into a bad neighbourhood. Broken glass on the floor, uneven pavement, gravel. Then she turns to look at us, still running. She trips on a bump in the pavement. Her head hit the floor as she practically collapsed. I quickened my running and fell to my hands and knees by her side, sobbing. Maddie, Darian and Lauren. Soon catch up too. Maddie and Lauren both react the same as me. Darian stands in shock, on the edge of tears.

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