- 17 - | Hugs + Breakfasts

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- M A C K E N Z I E -

"Thank youuuuuuuu! I love you guys." I say, pulling everyone into a group hug. Maybe everything will be okay.

By the time we'd finished hugging we were at the beach. We dumped our stuff and ran straight to the sea. After about 5 minutes of swimming and messing about, Maddie, Darian and Lauren ran back to the sand to tan, whilst me and Johnny stayed in the water, splashing each other. We stayed at the beach for another couple of hours until I checked my phone again. 07:53. Oh.

"Guys, it's nearly 8, we should probably head back." I say.

"Yeah we probably should." They all agree. We pack everything up and start heading back. All the girls had their arms linked and I was on Johnny's back. We all quickly rushed back to the villa. We got back to the villa at 08:07.

"Mummmm! Merrrrrr! We're back!" I shout as we walk through the door. Well. As Johnny carries me through the door. We all walk in to Mum and Mer cooking a massive breakfast.

"Mum, Mummy Mel, what's going on?" Lauren asks, confused.

"We're making one last breakfast before we leave." Mum and Mer both exclaim.

"Okay, I'm down!" Johnny shouts. Quickly leaving me in a heap on a floor and running to sit down.

"JOHNNYYYYY!" I practically scream at him, then start to pout over-dramatically.

"Sorry, Princess!" Johnny apologises and quickly rushes to pick me up. I jump up before he has chance. He stands there dumbfounded.

"Princess!?!?!" Mum and Mer question. Johnny turns to them and stands awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. His face starts to become pink. I stand there smirking.

"I don't know what your smirking about, Ziegler." Johnny says.

"I do, Orlando." I reply, overemphasising 'Orlando'.

"Johnny, we're waiting." Mer says.

"Oh look breakfast is done!" Johnny exclaims and rushes to the table.

"You really are something, aren't you Orlando." I say walking over to take a seat next to him. Grabbing a waffle off of his plate, take a bit and put it back. Mum and Mer place all the cooked food on the table. Johnny grabbing one of everything, before the dishes even reach the table. Johnny nudges me with his foot under the table. I turn to look at him. He raises his eyebrows at me, as if signalling for me to do something. I furrow my brows, looking at him confused. He lifts a finger to his lips. Quiet? Wait. Secret!

"Right, Mum, Mer, me and Johnny have decided to keep our relationship secret. So please can you not mention anything to fans or anything?"

"Yeah sure, sweetie." My mum replies.

"Anything for you Kenz." Mer replies.

"Thank you! You're both the best." I exclaim, Johnny beaming. I checked my phone. 08:47. Oh no. 13 minutes.

"Shit, guys it's 08:47." I inform everyone.

"Language, young lady." Mum scolds me.

"Sorry." I apologise, not meaning it.

"She has a point though Mel." Mer says.

"Okay, guys go check your rooms one last time and change your swim suits. Mer, me and you are on dishes duty. Okay?" My mum says.

"Okay." We all reply quickly rushing around to see ort everything out.

We all leg it to the girls room. Johnny goes into the bathroom to change, whilst the girls change. 08:51. 9 minutes.

"Girls, can I come in yet?" We hear John ask.

"Yeah sure." We all reply. He comes out in black Nike joggers and a red hoodie. Damn. He looks fit.

- J O H N N Y -

We all leg it to the girls room. I go into the bathroom to change, whilst the girls change. 08:51. 9 minutes.

"Girls, can I come in yet?" I ask.

"Yeah sure." They all reply. I walk out in black Nike joggers and a red hoodie. I watch Kenzie's eyes scan over my body.

"I see you kz." I say, then wink. Although she doesn't look so bad herself. Scrap that. She looks amazing. She's wearing grey joggers and a cropped, faded blue sweatshirt with her hair in a low ponytail. Lauren's wearing a pink hoodie with her own merch joggers, that say 'Lauren Orlando' down the leg. Maddie is wearing grey Adidas joggers with a black top and Darian's wearing black joggers and her white gucci t-shirt. I go to my room to start checking I've left nothing, when I hear Kenz squeal. For God's sake. I walk back into the girls room to see all of them standing on one of the beds. A massive black spider crawling around the floor. Seriously? I grab a glass off the side and place it over the spider. I then grab a piece of paper and slide it underneath, enclosing the spider. I carry him to the patio doors and let him free. When I get back to the girls room. Kenz comes running and jumps in my arms. She places her chin on my shoulder.

"My knight in shining armour." She whispers in my ear, so no one else can hear slightly giggling.

"Anything for you, Mack Z" I whisper back slightly chuckling.

"Come on love birds we need to go, It's 08:59." Darian says.

- M A C K E N Z I E -

"Come on love birds we need to go, It's 08:59." Darian says.

"Okay, let's goooo!" I say mainly to Johnny, signalling him to carry Mr to the lounge. He puts me down, then gestures to me to jump on his back. I jump on his back and he runs to the lounge, jumps over the back of the sofa. Me landing on my back and Johnny on top. The girls all come quickly in after us. We all pack our swim suits away. Then at last the taxi is here. We all jump in, me stuck with Johnny at the back. Typical. The girls do it on purpose. Not that I mind. I snuggle up to Johnny as it's going to be a long journey. It takes 3 hours to get to the airport.

[1077 words]


(I know 1.88k reads still isn't that many, but it is to me because this is my first story and I didn't expect it to do well. So THANK YOU!)

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