- 18 - | Snacks + Taxis

642 14 2

💘|p.s. follow my insta -|💘

- J O H N N Y -

We all jumped in the taxi, the girls shoving Kenzie next to me. Normal. Theres only two seats at the back. I'm not complaining though. 3 hours with Kenz. I feel something touch my shoulder, I turn and check out what it is to find Kenz already asleep. 3 hours on my own it is then. I grab my earphones out of my bag and start listening to my own music. The girls are listening to one direction. I slowly start to drift off to sleep my head leaning against Kenzie's.

I wake up to flashes. I swear they didn't forecast lightning. I open my eyes to the girls taking pictures of me and Kenz. I check the time on my phone. 11:03.

"Seriously? You stopped the car just for this?" I ask, slightly irritated as Kenz said she didn't want 'us' to be public.

"No, we're at a service station, duhhhhh." Lauren says, slightly irritating me even more. I shoot her a dirty look to signal my bad mood. She nods and mouths 'sorry'. I mouth back 'accepted, I'm sorry too'. 'It's okay' she mouths back before speaking up.

"We stopped for toilet breaks, snack breaks, water breaks and whatever else, wake Kenz up and meet us outside the car?" She asks.

"Sure." I answer back. They all leave, so I wake Kenz up.

"Kz wake up." I whisper, slightly shaking her arm.

"Ahhh, what's going on." She says slightly alarmed.

" Sorry, I startled you, but we need to meet the girls outside the car to pick up some food and drinks." I explain.

"Oh okay." She replies, yawning afterwards.

"Tired, babygirl?" I question.

"You know it, Johnnyboy." She replies. We both climb out of the car to the girls. Except, we only find Lauren.

"Maddie and Darian went on there own." Lauren says, shrugging.

"Okay." Kenz answers. She links her arm through mine, slightly leaning against me. We start walking towards the shop. As we reach the door, I open it for Kenz, whilst winking at her. Kent walks through the door, I follow then shut the door on Lauren.

"Heyyyyy!" She says as she walks to me, after opening the door.

"Hi?" I reply, acting innocent.

"I'm gonna kill you." She says. We stand there arguing for a couple of minutes before Kenz interrupts.

"Hey guys, I'm just going go back to the car get my money, I completely forgot it." She says as she hands me a bottle of lemon fanta, a 1l bottle of water and a share bag of maltesers.

"It's alright babe, I'll pay." I say, pulling my wallet out to hand her a 5 euro note.

"No John, I'm going to get my own money." She protests.

"No kz, I'm going to pay." I insist.

"No your not."

"Um, yes I am."



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