- 24 - | Tears + Sobs

582 13 2

- M A C K E N Z I E -

"Thank you, jv." I say, using his nickname that matches mine. His should technically be jo as in Johnny Orlando but jv for Johnny Vincent sounds better. Anyways. The doctors say i can go home whenever, so we sign me out and head home. I've now got insomnia, social anxiety, depression and I could possibly go mute. In the car on the way back mum and Mer announce that John, Lauren, Darian and Mer will be moving in with us, to help with my wellbeing. Which, i really appreciate. Mer's new room will be the spare one shes been staying in. Johnny's will be Maddie's 'old' room, right next to mine, Darian's will be the other spare room and Maddie and Lauren will share a room with me as we only have 2 spare rooms. Maddir and Laur are sharing with me so they can keep an eye on me. I'm completely grateful as i dont want to harm myself due to what's happened.

Johnny slightly scares me. But I know it'll kill him if he finds out. So I'm going to keep it a secret and try not to be so obvious. I need to speak to John about tour. Oh no. I walk to his new room and knock, slightly.

"Come in!" He shouts. I open the door slowly and walk in.

"Oh hey Kenz." He says. Smiling at me.

"Uh hi." I say it barely coming out as a whisper. His smile falters.

"What's up, kz?" He asks.

"Tour, can we cancel it?" I ask quietly. Still standing at his door awkwardly, looking at the floor knowing Johnny really wanted to do it.

"Yeah sure, do you want me to talk to mum and mummy Mel about it?" He asks. I was relieved when he didn't lash out even though I knew at the back of my head that he wouldn't he's never been violent and has always been understanding.

"Um, please, you can still have a tour though." I say fidgeting with my fingers.

"It's okay, I'd prefer not to tour on my own so I'll go speak to them, when they get back from grocery shopping." He says. God, why am I so frightened he's the sweetest person ever.

"Thank you." I say, my voice slightly more audible than before. Slightly.

"Anything, for you Kenz." He smiles sadly. I kinda smile back and leave his room.

- J O H N N Y -

I hear a small knock on my door.

"Come in!" I shout. Kenz opens the door slowly and walks in.

"Oh hey Kenz." I say. Smiling at her.

"Uh hi." She says, it barely coming out as a whisper. My smile falters at the sound of her.

"What's up, kz?" I ask.

"Tour, can we cancel it?" She asks quietly. Still standing at my door awkwardly, looking at the floor.

"Yeah sure, do you want me to talk to mum and mummy Mel about it?" I asks. She looked relieved for a second.

"Um, please, you can still have a tour though." She says fidgeting with her fingers.

"It's okay, I'd prefer not to tour on my own so I'll go speak to them, when they get back from grocery shopping." I say.

"Thank you." She says, her voice slightly more audible than before. Only slightly.

"Anything, for you Kenz." I say smiling sadly. She kinda smiles back and leaves my room. I wait until I hear the front door open and close. I quickly run down the stairs to be greeted by mum and Mel.

"Hey, um, mum, mummy Mel can I speak to you?" I ask.

"Sure sweetie." Mum says.

"Well Um Kenzie came to speak to me earlier and see wants to cancel the tour, and I said I'd speak to you." I say.

"Um, sure if that's alright with you, John." Mel says.

"Yeah its fine with me." I say.

"Okay, did she seem alright." Mel asks.

"Um not really, she seemed really scared and she wouldn't look directly at me and she kept fidgeting with her fingers as is for she was nervous and she stayed by the door as if she didn't want to come any closer to me." I say, feeling like I want to cry.

"John, I'm so sorry, I sent know how to put this but..." Mum starts.

"John, we think Kenzie is scared of you, we don't know why or how, but she seems normal with us and the girls." Mel finishes. Oh. I think I'm gonna cry. Seriously. And that's when I broke down. Full on sobs. Hiccups and all. Mum pulled me into a hug.

"I really am sorry, but darling you'll have to get over her as hard as it seems or gain back her trust." My mum says. At this point, Maddie and Lauren walk in.

"Oh John." Lauren says, sorrowful.

"What's wrong?" Maddie asks.

"Mum and Mel think that Kenz is scared of me." I say.

"I'm really, really, really sorry John." Maddie says.

"I need to find a way to get her to trust me again." I sob.

"Um we really can't help John but I'm sure you'll work it out but right now we need to get these cool ranch doritos to Mackenzie." Lauren says. She wraps me in one of those tight hugs only sisters can give.

- M A C K E N Z I E -

I don't understand why I'm scared of Johnny. He's sweet, kind and understanding. Ugh. This is so stressful. It's not like I don't have feelings for him anymore. I do. They're just the same if not even stronger. But I'm terrified of him to the point I can't look directly at him and I don't know why. I walk out of my room to see what's taking Maddie and Lauren so long to get some snacks. I mean come on guys. I need my doritos. I walk to the end of the stairs to hear Johnny sobbing. My heart breaks at the sound.

"Oh John." I hear Lauren say, sounding sorrowful.

"What's wrong?" Maddie asks.

"Mum and Mel think that Kenz is scared of me." Johnny says.

"I'm really, really, really sorry John." Maddie says.

"I need to find a way to get her to trust me again." He sobs.

"Um we really can't help John, but I'm sure you'll work it out but right now we need to get these cool ranch doritos to Mackenzie." Lauren says, slightly chuckling causing John to laugh along. I smile at the sound of his laughter until I hear Maddie and Lauren speak.

"Bye John." Maddie and Lauren both say. I hear footsteps coming towards me, growing louder. Shit. They're coming. I sprint as quickly as possible and run back to our room before they notice me.

[1166 words]

Normal size chapter!


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